Democratic Party praising their institutional accomplishments from the Founding Fathers to 1956. Hosted and narrated by JOHN F. KENNEDY.
EST MLS of the Capitol Building. MS profile of CALVIN COOLIDGE. Montage of 1920's economic boom: reverse motion of coin money stacking itself high; reverse motion of paper money in pile; high-speed subjective shot along El tracks; high angle ECU's of drums, cymbals, trumpets, pianos & violins being played; reverse motion of coin money stacking itself high; reverse motion of paper money in pile; CU/MSs stock traders yelling orders; reverse motion of coin money stacking itself high; reverse motion of paper money in pile; CUs legs & faces of dancing girls; CU man playing trumpet; time lapse of clouds moving over moon; CU paper money blowing; CUs coins stacks falling.
DO NOT USE: Still of stock exchange building.
Great Depression montage: low angle MCU factory smoke stacks; CU "closed" sign posted on factory gate; CU sign reading "No Men Wanted"; MCUs unemployed men seated on bench; MS unemployed men w/sandwichboard reading" Unemployed will take any job"; Elevated GV of men shuffling in bread line; CU male feet walking.
Edited newsreel of the Bonus Army march in Washington: WWI vetrans marching, tanks rolling through street, tear gas being used, fires inthe street.
Montage of crushing poverty: MSs homeless men; GV/MS children filing into "Children's Shelter"; GV lightening & clouds; GV sunray beaming from behind cloud w/VO of FDR.
Democratic National Convention 1932: LS Chicago skyline; great MS/LS of vintage cars driving along Lake Shore Drive w/chicago skyline in BG; MS FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT speaking at convention.
FDR 1932 campaign montage: MLS govenment building draped w/patriotic bunting; MCU Franklin Delano Roosevelt waving; GV massive crowd gathered; MCU Franklin Delano Roosevelt waving; night GV of crowd waving small American flags; MS/CU FDR & flag waving.
FDR montage: MC/CU Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing documents at desk; CU face of 1930's era radio; MS FDR at desk speaking; CU man listening to radio; MS FDR at desk speaking; MS family seated around radio set listening to Fireside Chats on radios at home. MSs of FDR signing Social Security measure, talking to the camera about it (natural audio) "This social security measure gives at least some protection to 50 millions of our citizens who will reap direct benefits through unemployment compensation, through old-age pensions, and through increased services for the protection of children and the prevention of ill health".
MS Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing documents at desk. CU gavel hitting bench. MCU document being signed. MCU FDR at desk signing documents. MS FDR speaking at podium. Great montage of the rebuilding of the American economy: CU faces of men; CU work whistle blowing; GV burning factory smokestacks; CUs men turning heads; MCU men marching to work; MS farm family sitting down at table for meal; MCU eldwerly man seated on park bench; MS young woman wheeling elderly lady in wheelchair through park past elderly men seated on park bench; CUs kids. CUs men grabbing & using tools of tools of manual labor; CU farm machine spreading seed; MS tresher harvesting grain.
Natural disaster montage including Dust Bowl & flooding: MS children seated in back of truck as it pulls away loaded w/belongings; MS family leaving farm via horse drawn cart; CU faces of children; MCU young girl feeding baby infant w/bottle; MLS pan house submerged in flood water; MS men moving sand bags; MS bridge completelt destroyed by flooding; GV rapid moving flood water.