
The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_1
Year Shot: 1960 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:23:25 - 02:24:20

Walter Matthau seated behind desk, smoking a tobacco pipe. Matthau reads a quote: "The deeds of the leader shall live in the hard won glory of his exploits. This endures. This alone escapes the destruction of death." He talks about General George S. Patton and his accomplishments in World War II. Matthau introduces Ronald Reagan as the narrator to General Patton's story.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_4
Year Shot: 1918 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Europe
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 02:25:56 - 02:26:05

Renault FT tanks driving on road, adult Caucasian male soldiers watching them go by; some walk along or catch a ride.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_6
Year Shot: 1942 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:26:55 - 02:27:04

Adult Caucasian male recruits being fitted for uniforms. Adult Caucasian male making sure military suit jacket fits another adult Caucasian male properly.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_7
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: North Africa
Country: At Sea
Timecode: 02:27:04 - 02:27:37

Northern African Campaign. Fleet of U.S. Navy ships off the coast of North Africa on November 1942. Lieutenant General George S. Patton aboard ship. U.S. fleet. VS of battleships firing guns. Thick black smoke billowing in the distance, emanating from a ship. Two landing crafts cruising on the water. North African shoreline with landing crafts and adult Caucasian male General Infantry soldiers coming ashore. G.I.s walking along beach.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_8
Year Shot: 1942 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Casablanca, Morocco, Africa
Country: Morocco
Timecode: 02:27:37 - 02:28:08

Northern Africa Campaign. Lieutenant George S. Patton hopping out of military jeep, waving to civilians standing in the streets. Adult Moroccan, predominantly males, gathered, giving the "V for Victory" symbol with their hands. General Patton descending steps with other adult French military officers, including François Félix Michelier; officers saluting as they descend, passing by adult Caucasian male soldiers. U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill seated together in garden; President Roosevelt speaking to someone off camera. General Patton riding on an armored vehicle, saluting as it drives away with five other adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_9
Year Shot: 1943 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Tunisia, Africa
Country: Tunisia
Timecode: 02:28:08 - 02:29:12

Northern Africa Campaign. Battle in the distance with smoke on the horizon. VS of artillery firing and large explosions. Tank rolling through thick cloud of smoke. Lieutenant General George S. Patton, holding binoculars, positioned in a trench with other adult Caucasian male soldiers. Ground artillery firing. Explosion. Tank firing artillery gun. Explosion. General Sir Harold Alexander ducking under airplane wing and shaking hands, meeting with General Patton and another adult Caucasian male Captain; military jeep driving in BG. Rural road with explosion in the distance, two adult male soldiers standing behind burm in FG. General Patton lifts a pair of binoculars and takes a look. From behind, General Patton and another adult male looking at tanks on the horizon through their binoculars. Brief view of billowing smoke. M3 Lee, or Medium Tanks, rolling past camera. Explosion. Pan of several downed German aircraft. VS of destroyed German Panzer tanks.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_10
Year Shot: 1943 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Europe
Country: At Sea
Timecode: 02:29:12 - 02:30:07

Sicily campaign. U.S. Army Lieutenant General George Patton coming aboard U.S. Navy ship, adult Caucasian male sailors stand at attention on either side of him, saluting as he walks past; General Patton returns salutes as he walks along deck. General Patton talking to middle-aged adult Caucasian male Brigadier and Lieutenant General on deck; Sicily, Italy in BG. Navy guns firing at night. General Patton looking through binoculars. VS of Battleships firing guns. Explosion on land. Landing crafts heading to shore. Landing craft caught in wave. Adult Caucasian male soldiers standing around heavy machine guns. From a distance, soldiers walking on floating platforms to shore. Overview of soldiers walking on floating platform to shore. Soldiers leaving ship in landing craft. General Patton in shadow; ship with sailors on deck in BG.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_11
Year Shot: 1943 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Sicily, Italy
Country: Italy
Timecode: 02:30:07 - 02:30:56

Sicily campaign. Adult Caucasian male soldiers standing on beach; U.S. Navy ships docked off Sicilian shore. Lieutenant General George S. Patton coming down from front of a landing craft; four adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers around him, one helping him down. General Patton talking to adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers. Soldiers walking on sandy beach road. Silhouette of soldier giving "fire" signal. VS of artillery guns firing. Landscape with puffs of explosion fire. Backs of adult Caucasian male soldiers gathered together in the field. General Patton talking to officers; couple of shirtless adult Italian males riding horseback in BG. Soldiers walking alongside trucks and jeeps driving through the Sicilian streets. Soldiers cheering. General Patton with two other adult Caucasian male soldiers looking out from balcony. Adult Italian males and females cheering, waving handkerchiefs. U.S. Army soldiers riding on tanks and armored vehicles through town.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_12
Year Shot: 1943 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Sicily, Italy
Country: Italy
Timecode: 02:30:56 - 02:32:22

Sicily campaign. Lieutenant General George S. Patton standing on the side of the road waving to adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers driving by in a tank. VS of tank and armored vehicles carrying soldiers and large artillery gun passing through Sicilian town. General Patton and Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery discussing strategy, two other adult Caucasian male soldiers standing nearby; cars and airplane parked in BG. Adult Caucasian General Infantry soldiers patrolling Sicilian street; heap of rubble in street. Overview of General Patton surrounded by adult Caucasian males, speaking to soldier. Soldiers walking in field. General Patton meeting with adult Sicilian males and female dignitaries; donkey or mule hooked to a cart in FG. General Patton eating finger food. General of the Army and Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower inspecting the troops. General Eisenhower walking with General Patton. Generals Patton and Eisenhower talking in a room.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_13
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: England, United Kingdom
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 02:32:22 - 02:33:10

Wide view of makeshift platform/stage in a field with adult Caucasian males U.S. Army soldiers seated and standing on it; rows of helmets in FG. Lieutenant General George S. Patton on platform stage, addressing soldiers (o/s); adult Caucasian male U.S. Army officers seated behind him. Adult, predominantly Caucasian, male General Infantry and Military Police soldiers seated in the grass listening. General Patton speaking to soldiers (o/s). U.S. General Infantry soldiers in a line in field. General Patton talking to adult Caucasian male U.S. Army infantry soldiers wearing camouflage. VS of hand-to-hand combat training and counterattacks against bayonet chargers on a soccer/football pitch.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_14
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: France, Europe
Country: France
Timecode: 02:33:10 - 02:33:48

Beachfront at Normandy with various landing craft and air balloons anchored onshore. Various U.S. Army tanks rolling out of transport ships; adult Caucasian male tank operators. Adult Caucasian male U.S. Army General Infantry soldiers and tanks moving along the beachfront in opposite directions. Lieutenant General George S. Patton looking through binoculars. General Patton's waist with a Ivory handle Colt Single Action Army revolver in holster. General Patton points out something to two adult Caucasian male U.S. Army officers in the field. Adult Caucasian artilleryman turning crank to raise artillery barrel. Barrel of artillery gun as it is raised into position. Sergeant on field telephone giving the fire command. VS of artillery firing; expended shell.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_15
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: France, Europe
Country: France
Timecode: 02:33:48 - 02:34:59

U.S. Army tanks moving on the horizon. U.S. Army adult Caucasian male G.I. running across field. Battle footage with infantry and tank support. Lone tank firing in the field. Rapid missile fire coming from the top of a tank. Explosion. Tank operator riding in open hatch of a moving tank. POV from inside tank of two tanks ahead moving in the field. VS of explosions; tanks moving in open field. Tank firing gun. Explosion. Smoking German vehicle abandoned along the road. VS of German soldiers with their hands up in surrender. U.S. Army tanks rolling toward camera. Two columns of U.S. Army G.I.s marching along roadsides. Tanks driving on road. VS of heavy artillery being fired. VS of soldiers firing M1 Garand. Soldiers running across street, behind a tank. Soldier firing his rifle. Tank firing gun. Explosion. VS of G.I.'s securing town in France. Surrendered German soldiers (POWs) marched through town, some with hands on their heads.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_16
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: France, Europe
Country: France
Timecode: 02:34:59 - 02:35:40

Adult French males and females gathered in the street to cheer as truck with adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers drives by. Adult French women watching. VS of U.S. General Infantry soldiers receiving hugs and kisses from French women. Middle-aged adult French woman pouring group of adult Caucasian male soldiers a hot beverage. VS of adult Caucasian male soldiers taking drinks from cups and canteens. Lieutenant General George S. Patton standing in the passenger seat of a military jeep drives by and salutes. Two Jack Russell Terriers riding with adult Caucasian male soldier. VS of U.S. Army tanks driving through towns. VS of jeep and tanks rolling through the town of Mayenne; adult French males and females waving happily from the roadside. Town of Laval with G.I.s on patrol. U.S. military convoys driving on road; adult Caucasian male soldier directing traffic. Sign for town of Carrouges. French males, adults and children waving as armored vehicle drives by.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_17
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: France, Europe
Country: France
Timecode: 02:35:40 - 02:36:47

Adult Caucasian artilleryman loading shell as another adult Caucasian artilleryman looks through a sight. VS of artillery guns firing intercut with adult Caucasian male soldiers running in the street. U.S. Army tanks rolling past camera; two adult Caucasian male tank operators on top. Adult Caucasian male soldiers running across field; tank camouflaged in BG. Adult Caucasian male soldier running away from destroyed tank. Lieutenant George S. Patton speaking with two adult Caucasian male soldiers. General Patton speaking. General Patton riding in military jeep; mounted machine gun. U.S. Army tanks passing over temporary pontoon bridge over the Seine River. General Patton standing in his jeep as its driven across the the bridge, he salutes; tanks follow in BG. Tank driving by with adult Caucasian male soldiers riding on top; small French flag waving. General Patton slipping into cockpit of an aircraft. General Patton seated in cockpit, speaking to someone off camera.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_18
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: France, Europe
Country: France
Timecode: 02:36:47 - 02:38:28

Adult Caucasian U.S. Army soldiers carrying equipment in the field. Explosion on the horizon. Three soldiers seated on hill looking up at sky. Two aircraft, part of the U.S. 19th Tactical Air Command, flying in support of the Third Army. Explosion. U.S. aircraft flying past three soldiers on a tank. U.S. Army tank firing gun; soldier stands in FG. Armored vehicle with six soldiers drives into destroyed city. Soldiers advancing through town. Lieutenant General George S. Patton talking to adult Caucasian male soldiers. VS military convoy on the move during the day and night. Tires spinning. General Patton and adult Caucasian male U.S. Army officers exiting building. General Patton climbing into jeep. General Patton seated in jeep; adult Caucasian male soldiers in BG. Soldiers sitting on idle tanks in the field. Tanks moving slowly in the distance. VS of General Patton and General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower chatting and eating soup at luncheon.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_19
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: France, Europe
Country: France
Timecode: 02:38:28 - 02:39:01

Lieutenant General George S. Patton walking with adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers; bullet-riddled building in BG. General Patton pinning medal on a Captain; adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers standing behind him. General Patton in shadow. Soldiers loading a shell from a tray into the breech and closing the breech door. Multiple breech doors closing. VS of artillery guns being fired.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_20
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Metz, France, Europe
Country: France
Timecode: 02:39:01 - 02:40:15

French town of Metz with smoke rising in the distance. Sign reading "Metz". Soldiers and tanks advancing through Metz. Soldiers firing mortars. Tank firing gun. Dark interior of soldiers firing rifles out of window. General Infantry soldiers advancing through town. Soldier firing machine gun rounds from third story window. Injured adult Caucasian male solder having wound dressed. Machine gun firing. Soldier running across street. Soldier shooting from inside a round window. Two U.S. Army soldiers walking with a captured German soldier who collapses. Soldiers advancing through town. Two dead soldiers on the ground. German soldier being apprehended, searched by U.S. soldiers. German POWs being marched through town by U.S. soldiers. American flag being raised on a roof in Metz. Lieutenant General Patton and Major General Walton H. Walker walking to military jeep together; adult Caucasian male soldiers standing in BG.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_21
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Ardennes Forest, Europe
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 02:40:15 - 02:41:27

German soldiers in winter uniforms firing artillery gun in Ardennes Forest on the German/Belgium border, intercut with several explosions. German soldiers running across a snowy field; sharp contrast with very white snow and soldiers in black. POV from behind German soldier firing machine gun. German soldier running and falling into prone position. German soldiers rolling a field gun across snowy landscape. Two German soldiers firing machine gun from behind entrenched position. German soldier throwing hand grenade. Explosion. VS of armored division of the Third Army advancing along snowy road. Lieutenant General George S. Patton passing by in military jeep. General Patton exiting jeep, saluting. Lieutenant General Patton and Major General Walton H. Walker, smoking, stand together. Line of tanks firing guns intercut with explosions. Soldier manning machine gun mounted on moving tank.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_22
Year Shot: 1945 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Ardennes Forest, Europe
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 02:41:27 - 02:42:44

Adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers shoveling snow during a blizzard. VS of U.S. Army soldiers looking up at clearer skies; less clouds, more airplane chemtrails. Air to air POVs of U.S. military airplanes flying in formation. Air to air POV of bombs being dropped from belly of plane. Aerial of bombs falling from plane. Aerial view of target(s). Low angle view, looking up at airplanes flying in formation. Tank firing gun; soldier looking through binoculars on top of tank. Explosion on the snow-laden horizon. POV over the shoulder of U.S. Army soldier firing a M1 Garand. Soldier aiming and firing M1 Garand. POV from behind and over the shoulder of soldiers firing machine gun. German POWs marching across the snowy ground; hands on head. German POWs standing with hands on their heads; one wounded soldier's head is bloodied and bandaged. U.S. General Infantry soldiers walking on snow packed road. Armored vehicle towing artillery gun. G.I.s walking.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_23
Year Shot: 1945 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Europe
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 02:42:44 - 02:43:16

Sign reading "Gen. Patton Built Bridge by the Mighty Midgets Co. F 1303 Engr". Lieutenant General George S. Patton inspecting area around him, joined by a few adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers. VS of General Patton pinning medal on an adult Caucasian male soldier; fellow adult Caucasian male soldiers standing around him as General Patton speaks an jokes with the men, all standing around the sign.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_24
Year Shot: 1945 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: West Germany
Country: Germany
Timecode: 02:43:16 - 02:44:58

Aerial of Siegfried Line. Adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldier looking through the scope of an artillery gun. Rapid missile fire. Tank driving through a muddy field. U.S. General Infantry soldiers walking past the tank barriers at the Siegfried Line. VS of tanks driving past soldiers and through destroyed town. Four soldiers riding on top of an armored vehicle driving through destroyed town. Lieutenant General George S. Patton, General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Major General Walton H. Walker talking with each other. Destroyed German city on the Rhine River shrouded in smoke. VS of U.S. soldiers crossing the Rhine River near Oppenheim, Germany, coming ashore via landing craft. U.S. soldiers and tanks advancing through a German city. Soldier using a bazooka on the side of building. German POWs marching through town. Soldiers in parade formation as Private Harold A. Garman walks to be awarded the Medal of Honor by General Patton, salutes; medal hanging from Garman's neck.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_25
Year Shot: 1945 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Germany
Country: Germany
Timecode: 02:44:58 - 02:45:48

Lieutenant General George S. Patton and other U.S. adult Caucasian male military officials walk through a liberated concentration camp; dead Holocaust victims scattered on the ground. VS of General Patton, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, adult Caucasian male U.S. Army officers, and adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers walking through concentration camp. Armored vehicle, towing an artillery gun, driving through rural town. Four adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers riding in tank. Traveling shots of war torn cities with destroyed buildings. Shaky POV driving down a German street. POV driving past and looking down at adult German women standing in a doorway. General Patton shaking hands with General Eisenhower; two other adult Caucasian male U.S. Army officers standing nearby. Brick wall with graffiti: "Hitler ist kaput." Overview of adult Caucasian male soldiers seated in trucks. Confiscated rifles being thrown into piles.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_26
Year Shot: 1945 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Europe and Los Angeles, California, United States
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 02:45:48 - 02:46:23

Traveling POV of General George S. Patton riding in boat with four adult Caucasian male U.S. Army officers. General Patton speaking on the boat. General Patton's helmet decorated with four stars. Shoulder of General Patton's uniform displaying four stars. Tracking POV of homecoming parade in Los Angeles, California for General Patton; adult Caucasian male soldiers marching in formation in FG. General Patton waving to the public from a convertible car. Adult Caucasian women clapping while watching the parade. Caucasian male child, wearing a helmet, waving an American flag with Caucasian males and females of all ages behind him. General Patton blowing a kiss. Overview of the tickertape parade.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_27
Year Shot: 1945 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:46:23 - 02:48:48

General George S. Patton and Lieutenant General James Doolittle walking up steps together at a homecoming reception at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, California. General Doolittle introduces General Patton; pan of adult Caucasian male soldiers and sailors and adult Caucasian females. General Patton speaking at the podium, noting the utter destruction of Germany and Austria, giving credit to the Third Army and Eighth Air Force divisions. General Patton: "You who have not seen it do not know what hell looks like from the top." Panning view of the gathered crowd. General Patton notes that the trail of the Third Army, 19th Tactical Air Command, and Eighth Air Force is marked by more than forty thousand white crosses. Memorial ceremony with adult Caucasian male soldiers in the distance playing "Taps" at military cemetery. General Patton placing flowers at a grave marked by a white cross/crucifix.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_28
Year Shot: 1945 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:48:48 - 02:49:35

Sign for "Soldiers' Field Stadium" in Chicago, Illinois, adult Caucasian men seated under the sign during military athletic event. Adult Caucasian male fires a starting pistol in the air and an adult Caucasian man takes off from his runner's block, running. General Patton and other adult Caucasian male U.S. Army officers seated in front row of the stands, clapping; adult Caucasian males . Adult Caucasian and African American male athletes competing in sprint race. General Patton clapping. VS of adult Caucasian male athletes competing in hurdle event. Adult African American man crossing the finish line ahead of fellow Caucasian male sprinters. General Patton shaking hands with adult Caucasian and African American male athletes; winning athletes bend down to shake hands from their platforms and salute the General.

The Big Picture - General Patton - Part 1
Clip: 487651_1_29
Year Shot: 1945 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1661
Location: Luxembourg and New York
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 02:49:35 - 02:50:59

Overview of General George S. Patton's coffin, draped by an American flag, being carried through funeral procession on a rainy day by seven adult male military pallbearers; two columns of adult Caucasian males stand in salute. Panning view of Luxembourg street lined with massive military and civilian crowd. VS of adult, predominantly Caucasian, male pallbearers of General Patton's coffin in procession. Adult Caucasian male U.S. Army soldiers attending the funeral. General Patton's grave marker, a white cross/crucifix surrounded by flowers; two adult males, seen from the neck down, standing at attention on either side of the marker. VS of General Patton's statue at West Point.