
USAF Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_2
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
State: France
Country: France
Timecode: 01:15:43 - 01:16:51

German radar sentry in occupied France; tree branches in FG. Car, military truck towing howitzer, and motorcycle with a side car driving on tree-lined country road. German division of soldiers marching. Three adult German male officers walking together along Atlantic coast fortifications. High angle view of Atlantic wall; soldiers marching in formation behind it. German soldiers marching into bunker. Howitzer hidden in bushes, gun rising through foliage. German officers inspecting fortifications. English Channel; English coast in distance. Group of German officers looking over a map. VS of German sentries on patrol along Atlantic Wall, looking through binoculars. Large howitzer with gun pointed high in the air.

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_3
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
HD: Yes
Location: England
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 01:16:51 - 01:18:05

Big Ben and Parliament; double-decker buses driving in FG. London street scenes; near empty streets. VS of D-Day invasion transports. VS of adult Caucasian male soldiers boarding invasion transports. MS U.S. General and Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower and Lt. Gen. Carl Spaatz walking together and with other adult Caucasian male Army officers arriving at camp of 101st Airborne. VS of paratroopers marching in formation; parked airplane and barbed wire in FG. VS of Gen. Eisenhower speaking with paratroopers; camouflage on faces. Paratroopers marching in formation; some waving to camera. VS of paratroopers putting on gear.

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_4
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 01:18:05 - 01:20:35

VS of adult Caucasian male paratroopers gathered to hear U.S. General and Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower's message to them (audio of Order of the Day message). VS of paratroopers boarding C-47 airplanes. Writing on nose cone of airplane: "That s All, Brother!" C-47s taking off. POV from C-47 of other C-47s in flight intercut with paratroopers onboard, hooking in. VS of paratroopers leaping from C-47s. VS of paratroopers landing behind enemy lines. Soldier running with machine gun on shoulder. Soldiers running with their rifles. Airplanes flying overhead.

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_5
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
Country: At Sea
Timecode: 01:20:35 - 01:20:55

Adult Caucasian male soldiers on deck of ship transporting them from England. Overview of bow of ship travelling on the water. Soldier on boats wearing life jackets. Ship being buffeted by waves. Man at the helm, steering. POV from stern of a ship showing armada of ships following; American flag waving, intercut briefly by man, wearing knit cap, staring out in the distance.

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_6
Year Shot: 1944 (Estimated Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 01:20:55 - 01:22:53

Airplane parked on airfield, Soldier loading a motorcycle onto airplane. Soldier getting a boost from another soldier, placing a hook onto glider. Soldier walking with a line and hook; airplanes in BG. Soldier hooking up a glider. U.S. Major General Hoyt Vandenberg stands with two other male U.S. officers. VS of propeller airplane and gliders taking off. Aerial views of tree tops, fields, and the English Channel; airplane shadow. Airplanes in flight, leaving English coast. Low angle view from ship of airplanes flying in formation.

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_7
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
Location: English Channel
Country: At Sea
Timecode: 01:22:53 - 01:23:19

Panning view aboard deck of a ship escorting U.S. 1st Army and British 2nd Army. VS of battleship guns, gun breaches being closed, guns firing, shelling. Adult Caucasian male sailor communicating by flashing lights.

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_8
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
Country: France
Timecode: 01:23:19 - 01:24:42

Overview of airplanes flying in formation. POV from cockpit during flight. Payload (bomb) doors opening; bomb held. Aerial from airplane of French coastline. Bombs dropping. Aerial of bombs exploding. Low angle view of airplanes flying. Bomber releasing payload of bombs. Aerial of bombs falling; trail of smoke in FG. VS of bombs falling; aerials of them exploding. Gliders being towed by propeller plane. POV from cockpit of adult Caucasian male pilots inside gliders. Adult Caucasian male soldier sitting and watching from inside airplane. Gliders landing roughly, pieces of gliders coming off. Soldiers rushing out of a glider. Puffs of white smoke appear as German artillery opens fire.

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_9
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
Country: France
Timecode: 01:24:42 - 01:26:03

Allied bombers flying over invading Allied forces; landing craft in the English Channel. High angle view of allied airplane flying with naval vessels at sea below. Adult Caucasian male soldiers travelling by landing craft. German artillerymen carrying and loading a shell into a howitzer. German artillery and missiles countering Allied offensive; water explosions. High angle view of allied airplanes flying. POV from an airplane flying close to the water. Various POV from the front of an airplane attacking German positions with machine gun fire. Low angle flying view of allied bomber dropping payload. Ground and aerial view of bombs exploding. Bomber dropping payload. Aerial of bombs exploding. High angle view of allied airplane flying with naval vessels at sea below.

The Air Force Story: D-Day, June 6, 1944
Clip: 487624_1_10
Year Shot: 1953 (Actual Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1812
Original Film: WPA 1636
Location: Normandy
Country: France
Timecode: 01:26:03 - 01:28:28

A line of landing craft carrying adult Caucasian male soldiers. VS of allied artillery shelling Normandy coast from different naval vessels; explosions. VS of landing craft opening doors on beach, soldiers storming beachhead, advancing further into coast; some soldiers are killed in the advance. VS of soldiers advancing, firing rifles. Low angle view of airplane flying. Various POVs of airplane attacking, firing on German position with machine guns. Aerial of soldiers on shore. VS of soldiers and materiel coming onshore. Allied airplane flying low before pulling up. Soldier standing on stern of ship; line of ships in BG. VS of airplanes flying overhead in formation.