
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973 (1/2)

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973 (1/2)
Clip: 486651_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10399
Original Film: 109004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.47.12] Mr. STANS. There was a receipt of $3,000 from two men in Omaha that Mr. Sloan received after April 7 and before June 23 that I was not aware of until the $81,000 were turned over to Mr. LaRue. At that time I asked Mr. LaRue to handle that also and either get clearance from the contributors to deposit that money or return it to them. Mr. LaRue told me sometime later that he had not been able to do it with the result that the $3,000 was not returned to them, and in order to clear the matter we ran down the names of the contributors and reported them in our report that was filed last Saturday. That at is the second item of money received. There was a third contribution in cash of $50,000 received from a Lehigh Valley farmer's cooperative through its attorney in Washington that was received by the treasurer after April 7 and before June 23. I was not aware of the details of that transaction and did not learn about, it until October. We have since been able to identify the source of the money and it has also been reported in our last report to the General Accounting Office. Those are three transactions. There were some other miscellaneous cash items received from contributors that I do not recall, whose names were reported and the money was put in the, bank just as though it was by check so that it has no distinction. Senator MONTOYA. Did you receive many contributions over and above $10,000 in cash? Mr. STANS. Before I answer that, could I complete my other answer, because there was one other transaction? Senator MONTOYA. Yes. Mr. STANS. There was a total of $39,000 in cash received in two transactions representing funds raised by former Gov. Tim Babcock of Montana. We did not get the names of the contributors until recently, and that money has now been reported to the General Accounting Office in our last report. Now, as to your last question, did we receive many contributions of $10,000, in excess of $10,000 in cash? I would have to guess, Senator, as I do not have any list in front of me. I would guess that we probably received 30, possibly 35 contributions of $10,000 or more in cash. Senator MONTOYA. Let us go into the $20,000 contributions in cash. How many would you say you received in that, category? Mr. STANS. $20,000? Well, you are testing my memory now and I am not quite sure. I would say that perhaps five less than the number I gave you before that were in $10,000 amounts, So that the balance of 25 to 30 would have been $20,000 or more. Senator MONTOYA.. Let us go into the $50,000 bracket. How many of those did you receive? Mr. STANS. Well, I have to do a considerable amount of guessing here, I would say about 10, maybe 12. Senator MONTOYA. Of course, what, I am trying to elicit from you, Mr. Stans, it has nothing to do with the trial in New York, I want you to understand that. Mr. STANS, I understand that. Mr. BARKER. Senator Montoya, any answers Mr. Stans would make he will eliminate any references to that. Is that understood? Senator MONTOYA. Yes, I want him to. Let-- Mr. STANS. Then, you have to reduce each amount I gave you by one. [Laughter.) Senator MONTOYA. Let us go into the cash disbursements, Mr. Stans. I believe you mentioned that, before April 7 that you authorized or tacitly approved a disbursement of $350,000 to Mr. Kalmbach. Mr. STANS. May I correct, that, slightly? I had knowledge of it after it, happened, I raised no objection to it, but I do not recall ever approving it as such. And the payment was not made to Mr. Kalmbach It was made by Mr. Sloan 'at the direction of Mr. Kalmbach to Gordon Strachan of the White House staff. [00.52.48]