
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973 (1/2)

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973 (1/2)
Clip: 486650_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10399
Original Film: 109004
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.41.33] Mr. SANDERS. Did you make any mention to him of any options he would have at such time as he had to make a choice, at, such time as he would be required to testify? Mr. STANS. Are you referring now to Magruder or Sloan? Mr. SANDERS. Sloan. Mr. STANS. I do not recall that I did. I think when Sloan told me that Magruder had asked him to testify to other amounts than he had given him, my reply to Sloan was to tell the truth. That is the only advice I gave. him. Mr. SANDERS. Do you recall any discussion with him, concerning the use of the fifth amendment? Mr. STANS. No, I do not recall any discussion about that. Mr. SANDERS. I just have one more question, Mr. Stans. Did you at any time seek from Mr. Parkinson or Mr. O'Brien in their capacities as attorneys for the Committee To Re-Elect the President--and I must add the Finance Committee To Re-Elect the President--did you at any time seek from them any status of their work, any report of their work or an explanation of the facts that they were developing? Mr. STANS. Well, I do not know that I ever asked for a report, but I was in fairly regular communication with them on a great many things. Most of my conversations with them were with regard to the litigation in which we were involved on a number of fronts. Mr. SANDERS. All right. Let me confine my question to the criminal aspects of their representation on of the committee--that is, the grand jury testimony that was being required. I am not inquiring into the civil action. Mr. BARKER. Mr. Sanders, might I observe for the record that Mr. Parkinson was Mr. Stans' personal counsel as well as committee counsel, and of course, you are inquiring into the, area of attorney-client privileges. Mr. SANDERS. All right. Well, Mr. Stans, I will defer my question at, this time and relinquish any further time, Mr. Chairman. Senator ERVIN. Senator Montoya. Senator MONTOYA. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Stans, going back to the, time prior to April 7, you indicated, I believe, that total cash on hand was approximately $1.5 million, is that, correct? Mr. STANS. I did not mean to say that, Senator. The total cash received during the entire period of the campaign, I believe, including the cash turned over by Mr. Kalmbach was about, $1,700,000. There never was that, much on hand at any one time. Senator MONTOYA, Then including this amount the sum which was turned over from the 1968 Presidential election? Mr. STANS. I am including in that, figure the amount which was turned over from the 1968 election to the extent that at it, was in cash. Senator MONTOYA. How much of it, was in cash? Mr. STANS. About $233,000. Senator MONTOYA. And the other amount or balance of the $680,000 Was commingled with the 1972 election fund? Mr. STANS. Yes. There was; $680,000 received in the form of checks from accounts under Mr. Kalmbach's control that came into the committee on February 3 of last year from 1968 money principally, that became part of the funds of the committee to use from them on. Senator MONTOYA. Then after April 7, what money came to the committee in cash? Mr. STANS. There were three or four items that I am aware of. One was an item of $10,000 from a Mr. and Mrs. Saunders in Mississippi that came to the committee but without adequate instructions as to how it should be handled and to which committees it should be distributed to and that matter was not cleared up by the time the $81,000 was given to Mr. LaRue so it was included in that $81,000 with a request to Mr. LaRue that he give it back unless the parties were willing to allow it to be spread among committees in their name. Mr. LaRue has confirmed by letter through his attorney that he gave that $10,000 back, That is the first cash item. [00.47.12]