
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973
Clip: 486629_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10398
Original Film: 109003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.02.00--Sen. BAKER explaining the committee's decision to force Maurice STANS to testify] I hope that these committee hearings do not, prejudice the right to a fair trial but, in fact enhance the right to a fair trial. I Pledge before you again that I will not, inquire into any matter that I or you suggest in good faith might be involved in the trial of Vesco case. I urge you to caution your client in that, respect, and I Pledge on my part, that no refusal to answer On that legitimate basis will be viewed by the committee Or this Member of the, committee, as a failure of cooperation. I believe, in conclusion, that this legislative committee, this committee of the Senate, a coordinate branch of the, Government, can proceed with its mandate as required by the resolution which created it, without jeopardizing the fairness of trial for either the Government or the defendant, It is my fervent hope, that we conduct ourselves in that way. Thank yon. Senator ERVIN-. Any further statements? I would just like to add that I agree with Senator Baker's observation that, the chances--there has been so much publicity in the press that the chances for anybody getting a fair trial of anybody involved would rise with the completion of this hearing rather than postponement of this, hearing and, as I construe the U.S. Supreme Court, decision in the Hutchinson case, the committee in acting within the constitutional limits. And I also would like to say this, Mr. Barker, as one who admires legal craftsmanship, I want to commend the excellence and the eloquent manner in you have undertaken to protect what you conceive to be the rights of the witness. Mr. BARKER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman Senator ERVIN. We might let the other attorneys, if they are there, to identify themselves the record, and you might do the same, Mr. Barker. Mr. BARKER. Mr. Chairman, I am Robert W. Barker. I am accompanied by Walter J. Bonner and Leon T. Knauer. Senator ERVIN. Mr. Stans, would you stand up? Mr. STANS. Mr. Chairman, I would like to proceed with an opening statement which will take me approximately 20 minutes, perhaps a minute or two over. Senator ERVIN. I was thinking maybe I would administer the, oath and then recess and perhaps it -would be better to make your opening statement after the recess. Mr. STANS. It Is quite agreeable either way Mr. Chairman. Senator ERVIN. Will you Stand and raise your right, hand? Do you swear that the evidence that you shall give to the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities shall be, the truth, the, whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God? TESTIMONY OF MAURICE H. STANS, ACCOMPANIED BY ROBERT W. BARKER. ATTORNEY Mr. STANS. I Do. Senator ERVIN. We normally recess at noon until 2 o'clock. At that time we, give you an opportunity to read your entire statement and I would suggest that you be allowed to read your entire statement without interruption by questions. Mr. STANS, Thank you. Senator ERVIN. The committee will stand in recess until 2 o'clock, [00.05.00--MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL remarks that after all of the effort to get STANS to testify, it's ironic that as soon as he was sworn in, the committee took a lunch break. Solicits viewer response to the coverage [PBS network ID--title screen 'SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES"] [00.08.00--MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that the first part of STANS' testimony will center on his role with the re-election committee, one he said was separate from the strategy makers of the campaign, and explain how a $25,000 check from a campaign contributor came to be deposited in the bank account of convicted Watergate burglar Bernard BARKER.] n [00.08.25--committee room]