
Watergate Hearings - Testimony of Herbert Porter, June 7, 1973.

Watergate Hearings - Testimony of Herbert Porter, June 7, 1973.
Clip: 486563_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10394
Original Film: 108003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: 00:40:43 - 00:43:32

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973. Testimony of Herbert Porter.

Watergate Hearings - Testimony of Herbert Porter, June 7, 1973.
Clip: 486563_1_2
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10394
Original Film: 108003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: 00:40:43 - 00:41:21

Fred Thompson, attorney. Let me ask you one other line of questions and I will pass it on to the Chairman. Your testimony at the trial, of course, dovetailed almost completely with what Mr. Liddy testified to at the trial, as was planned, is that correct? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. I am sorry, sir? Fred Thompson, attorney. It dovetailed Herbert Porter, CRP aide. Mr. Liddy did not testify at the trial. Fred Thompson, attorney. I mean Mr. Magruder as far as the $100,000 was concerned? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. I have never seen Mr. Magruder's testimony at the trial, never read it and do not know what that testimony is.

Watergate Hearings - Testimony of Herbert Porter, June 7, 1973.
Clip: 486563_1_3
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10394
Original Film: 108003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: 00:41:21 - 00:42:17

Fred Thompson, attorney. Let me read you a question from the trial transcript. Herbert Porter, CRP aide. Is this my testimony? Fred Thompson, attorney. This is Mr. Magruder's testimony. Question. What funding or financial arrangements did you agree upon with Mr. Liddy with respect to the two different assignments that you just described? Answer. On the first assignment we agreed to a funding of approximately $100,000 for the 10-month period starting in January and on the convention program we agreed to $150,000 or so. The total funding was $250,000. With regard to the $100,000, he was talking about the Surrogate candidate program or protection for the surrogate candidates. Herbert Porter, CRP aide. Yes sir. Fred Thompson, attorney. Assuming that is a fact, that would dovetail with essentially what you testified to. Is that correct? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. Yes Sir.

Watergate Hearings - Testimony of Herbert Porter, June 7, 1973.
Clip: 486563_1_4
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10394
Original Film: 108003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: 00:42:17 - 00:43:32

Fred Thompson, attorney. How many times did you discuss this matter with Mr. Silbert and Mr. Glanzer and Mr. Campbell? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. I made one grand jury appearance in August of 1972 and discussed it with them then. There was a pretrial meeting, I believe, the night before, or two nights before, I am not sure which, before the trial that was brief in Mr. Silbert's office. Fred Thompson, attorney. How long did it last? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. I think Mr. Magruder was there for the early part of it and he left. Fred Thompson, attorney. Were you both in the same room? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. We were both in the same room for a brief period of time. Yes, sir. Fred Thompson, attorney. Was Mr. Sloan there at, the same time? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. No, sir; he was not. Fred Thompson, attorney. Who else was in the room while you and Mr. Magruder. Herbert Porter, CRP aide. Mr. Magruder, Mr. Silbert, Mr. Glanzer, I think Mr. Campbell was there. I m not sure. Fred Thompson, attorney. Mr. Marauder left? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. Yes, he did. Fred Thompson, attorney. Did any of the prosecutors ever ask you if Magruder had tried to get you to perjure yourself? Herbert Porter, CRP aide. No, sir. Fred Thompson, attorney. I have no further questions.