
Operation "Provide Promise" (Bosnian relief efforts)

Operation "Provide Promise" (Bosnian relief efforts)
Clip: 486557_1_1
Year Shot: 1995 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1351
Original Film:
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Timecode: -

04:00:00 -- MS of interview with Sergeant Major Sue Wilson, U.S. Army, senior non-commissioned officer at Camp Pleso in Zagreb. 04:09:45 -- LS and MS of shore patrol searching people at checkpoints. 04:13:50 -- MS of interview with First Sergeant Phyllis M. Smith, U.S. Army, first sergeant of Headquarters Company. 04:22:10 -- CU of United Nations flag. 04:22:15 -- MS and LS of troops using recreational facilitities and the post exchange (store).