
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486552_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10393
Original Film: 108002
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.51.55] Mr. DASH. Mr. Sloan, I just have two questions. You may have misunderstood Senator Montoya's question to you concerning any efforts by anybody other than Magruder to have you testify differently than you believed was the truth. You did say in answer to Senator Montoya that with regard to Mr. LaRue's conversations with you, that you believed he may have had an honest belief that there was a difference of opinion as to the amount. Let me just refer you to your testimony yesterday in response to a question put by me to you concerning a conversation you had with Mr. LaRue after you had had your interview with the FBI, and let, file read your testimony on page 1248 and 1249 of the transcript. You just went back from your interview with the, FBI and you stated: [quoting] I believe -Mr. LaRue came down to my office following that interview, essentially to find out what I said and what matters came up. At that point he indicated to me, and I do not have the precise words, the sense of the meaning as it came across to me, there was very brief reference something to the effect that the Liddy money is the problem. It is very politically sensitive. We can just not come out with a high figure, we are going to have to come out with a different figure. And I said, as I recall, I said if there is a problem I cannot see it makes any difference whether it is $200 or $200,000, at which point he dropped the conversation. [end quoted section] Mr. DASH. Is that a correct statement? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. I guess it is a question of degree, that in the case of Mr. Magruder it was a very hard sell blatant kind of approach. In the case of Mr. LaRue, very low key and he banked off it Very fast, but that is a correct statement, to the best of my knowledge, in the sense of that meeting. Mr. DASH. Mr. Sloan, also in the early part of your testimony YOU did mention the name Francis Raine as a, person who was a cosigner, I understand, of one, of the cash safe deposit boxes. Do you have of your own knowledge, any information as to whether Mr. Raine is related to Mr. Haldeman? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir; I do not believe I knew it at the time. I have since been told he, is a relative. I am not, sure by whom. I understand it is a brother-in- law relation. Mr. DASH, I have no further questions of Mr. Sloan, but I think for the record, the Dahlberg check which was dated April 10, 1972, drawn on the First Bank & Trust Co. of Boca Raton in the amount of $25,000, which had already been identified by you, Mr. Sloan, but, it has never been marked as an exhibit I, and I would like to have it given to the reporter to mark as -in exhibit and introduced into evidence. I have no further questions. Senator ERVIN. The reporter will number the check or copy of the check, give the appropriate number and be received as an exhibit. [The check referred to was marked exhibit -No. 25.*] Senator ERVIN. Mr. Sloan, I want to thank you on behalf of the committee for your appearance here,. I want to thank you for the, intellectual integrity which you have displayed throughout your examination and for the very forthright manner in which you have testified. Mr.. SLOAN-. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Senator ERVIN. You are excused now, subject to be recalled if the committee later finds it necessary to do so. Thank you very much. The committee will stand in recess until 2 o'clock, [00.55.55--members, reporters, spectators stand to leave--00.55.59--LEHRER in studio] LEHRER states that after almost 7 hours, SLOAN'S testimony has ended, and the next witness will be a man to whom SLOAN gave large sums of cash, Herbert PORTER [PBS Network ID--title screen "SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES"] [00.58.39-LEHRER in studio] LEHRER introduces questioning of PORTER by associate counsel David DORSEN [00.58.49--to ERVIN gavelling meeting to order] [00.58.52]