
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486549_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10393
Original Film: 108002
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.35.52] Senator ERVIN. Rule 25 of the committee, rules provides that any person who is the subject of an investigation and public hearings may submit to the chairman questions in writing for cross-examination the witnesses. Their formulation and admissibility shall be decided by the committee in accordance with Rule 24. [brief view of SLOAN'S WIFE sitting with counsel behind SLOAN.] Rule 24 gives the committee the power to rephrase the questions that are asked. Mr. Robert Barker, who is counsel for Mr. Stans, has contacted the committee and asked the committee to put the following questions to Mr. Sloan. Mr. Sloan, you have testified that you have checked -with Mr. Stans about certain payments to Mr. Porter. -Now, this is the first question Mr. Barker wants us to ask you: When did this occur? Mr. SLOAN. My best, recollection, Senator, would have been on the occasion of the first request in the post-April 7 period for funds. I could not place it in a precise date. Senator ERVIN. The second question is what amounts, if any, were involved? Mr. SLOAN. I do not believe that we even mentioned the precise dollar amount. I think it, was an expression of concern on my part, whether this was continued, to continue in light of both my understanding and Secretary Stans' understanding that he was no longer to receive funds. I am not even sure the dollar figure came up. Senator ERVIN. Was; anyone else present tit, the time you checked with Mr. Stans about the payments to Mr. Porter? Mr. SLOAN. No sir. Senator ERVIN. Did you check with Mr. Stans as to any payment to either Liddy or Porter after the time you checked about Magruder's authority to authorize an $83,000 payment to Liddy? Mr. SLOAN. No, sir. I do not believe I ever checked with him on a dollar amount. It was purely the authority. Senator ERVIN. Do you recall what amount of money was made to Porter after April 7, 1972? Mr. SLOAN. Senator, my best recollection of that figure was approximately $6,000. I understand Mr. Porter's general recollection to the General Accounting Office was $11,000. I have no reason to dispute that figure. Senator ERVIN. There is another question which Mr. Barker asked which really is four questions and relates to payments that you made to Mr. Kalmbach. The first, is: Did You make any payments to Mr. Kalmbach after February 15, 1972? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. The second subdivision of this question is: If so, what was the amount, of these payments? Mr. SLOAN. I am really not sure, Senator. They were not tremendous amounts, There may have been two or three at the most. Senator ERVIN. The third subdivision of the question is: What were these payments for, these payments to Mr. Kalmbach after February 15, 1972? Mr. SLOAN. I have no idea, Senator. Senator ERVIN. The fourth subdivision of the question is: Were they disclosed On periodic summaries after February 15, 1972? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, all the funds I handled were covered in that report to Secretary Stans. Senator ERVIN. They were? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. Now, as I understand you, after you had prepared what the committee called a summation Of all of these disbursements, you gave that to Secretary Stans? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, I did. Senator ERVIN. Did you make more than one copy? Mr. SLOAN. I may have at the time it was typed, but in the light of-in my understanding, more than a. single copy, whatever copies, would have been destroyed at the same time its the book, yes, sir Senator ERVIN. And after you had imparted the sum total of what your record disclosed in this statement that you furnished to Mr. Stans, you destroyed your record? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. Now, 37011 testified, as I recall, that you had put rather a--rather you testified on the examination of Senator Gurney Senator Weicker and Senator Montoya about the conversation you had -with Mr. Haldeman. Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. When did that occur? Mr. Mr. SLOAN. I probably could find a precise date. I neglected to look it up last night and I apologize. -My best, recollection would be toward the end of January or early February, somewhere in that point. Senator ERVIN. This year? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, it was while I was a consultant at the committee. Senator ERVIN. Where did this occur? Mr. SLOAN. In Mr. Haldeman's office at, the White House. Senator ERVIN. Then you stated Mi. Haldeman told you he had nothing to do with the Watergate affair? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. But he told you that he knew about the, Segretti matter and that when the Segretti matter was revealed, that it would be understandable? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, or words to that effect. Senator ERVIN. Well, that occurred in January of this year? Mr. SLOAN. January or early February. Senator ERVIN, So far as you know, has Mr. Haldeman ever revealed anything about the Segretti matter to the general public or anybody else? Mr. SLOAN. -Not that I am aware of, sir. Senator ERVIN. Do you know what the expression "laundering checks" means? Mr. SLOAN. What expression? Senator ERVIN. "Laundering checks." Mr. SLOAN. I read the term numerous times, Senator. I do not have any precise knowledge of what that term is. [00.41.31]