
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486542_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10392
Original Film: 108001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[01.00.07--committee room] Senator ERVIN. Senator Montoya. Senator MONTOYA. Mr.. Sloan, I believe you testified yesterday that in arriving at the figures represented by this chart with respect to reimbursement of different individuals, that you had gone to these, individuals personally and reconciled the memories, and both you and the individuals had arrived at this figure as a reconciliation, Is that Correct? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Probably not in every individual case-for instance, Mr. Nofziger, where there was only a single or just a double distribution and the person is not available. This would generally relate to, for instance, the Porter, the Liddy, Magruder, Kalmbach situations, where there were multiple distributions, where over a period of time, some discrepancies could happen. Senator MONTOYA. Now, I ask you, was the figure of $250,000 to Mr. Kalmbach reconciled with him? Mr. SLOAN. Senator, these figures here are to the best of my recollection. I realize they are not precise. There could be dollars and cents off. Senator MONTOYA. Could there be any material deviation or variation? Mr. SLOAN. Oh, no, sir; in terms of what the precise figure was, We, did agree in every case. There was no discrepancy with any individual I talked to. Senator MONTOYA. Could your figures with Mr. Porter differ in an amount close to $50,000? Would that be possible? Mr. SLOAN. Senator, again, after a year, it is possible. This is my best recollection of what the figure was. The Liddy matter, I think, for instance, I am far surer on that figure than Mr. Porter's because Mr. Liddy was the issue at the time. Senator MONTOYA. To the best of your recollection and after reconciliation with Mr. Porter, do you still state that you disbursed to him the sum of $100,000? Mr. SLOAN. Senator, that is my best recollection. If he has a different recollection, I would not--you know, I would not stand on the hard figure of $100,000. That is the best approximation of what I recall I gave. Senator MONTOYA. Were you familiar with the activities of Mr. Porter? Mr. SLOAN. In terms of what he did with his money? Senator MONTOYA. Yes. Mr. SLOAN. No, sir. Senator MONTOYA. Are you now? Mr. SLOAN. I have read some stories in the press, yes, sir. Senator MONTOYA. What. information call you give this committee from those reports and from what, you have gathered since you left the committee? Mr. SLOAN. I believe it came out at the criminal trial, that of the funds I had given to Mr. Porter, he evidently, in turn, had turned over $35,000 of those funds to Mr. Liddy, which produced the aggregate figure that was used in the trial, the funds that were made available to Mr. Liddy. Senator MONTOYA. Did you also ascertain that some of this money was used for the "dirty tricks" part, of the campaign? Mr. SLOAN. There was a story about a student named Mr. Brill. There is a, convoluted chain of custody here I believe, from Mr. Porter to Mr. Rees to 'Mr. Gordon to Mr. Brill for--I am not sure "spying" is the right word, but whatever those activities were. Senator MONTOYA. Are you aware, of any other extended activities besides those two instances in this particular category? Mr. SLOAN. I think those are, the only two that I am aware of, Senator. Senator MONTOYA. You stated that a report on finances was given to Mr. Stans on one or two occasions, did you not? Mr. SLOAN. In terms of these cash funds, yes, sir; there were two or three reports in that, period from February 15, when he came on board, until my final report which I gave on June 23. Senator MONTOYA. And did you not, state the purpose of those disbursement disbursements as told by those individuals, if they told you? Mr. SLOAN. I have never been told directly by any of these individuals, Senator. Senator MONTOYA. I believe You questioned some disbursements to Mr. Porter and Mr. Liddy at one time and took this matter up with Mr. Stans; did you not? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir; I did. Senator -MONTOYA. And you also took this matter up with Mr. Magruder, is that correct? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator MONTOYA. And Mr. Magruder told you in turn that you were not, to question the request at, all, but to make the disbursements as they were requested of you, is that correct? [01.04.35--TAPE OUT]