
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486541_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10392
Original Film: 108001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.52.00] Senator WEICKER. Did you feel that the basic, purpose of the meeting then, was that you would need the support of the administration in finding employment in the future? Mr. SLOAN. No, sir; I think I was looking at it more, from the other side of the coin, that I wanted to be sure that there would not be active efforts to inhibit my own efforts. Senator WEICKER. The fear of---- Mr. SLOAN. Retribution. Senator WEICKER. [continuing]. Of retribution. Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator WEICKER. One last question, Mr. Sloan. You have, been very patient and very responsive also. How were the payments to Mr. Liddy made? In what form? You indicated, for example, in Mr. Strachan's Case that it was Put in a suitcase What was the nature and form Of payment to Mr. Liddy? Mr. SLOAN. In View Of the fact that he was physically located in the same suite of offices I was, he would generally just tell me he needed x number of dollars and generally, I would go get it and put it in a manila envelope, something of that sort. I think on one. occasion I was going to be out of town at a time he needed to pick up certain funds. I think on that occasion, he had his secretary, Sally Harmony come in and get the envelope. Senator WEICKER. You say that Sally Harmony picked up the Money from you? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir; on one occasion, I believe that was correct. Senator WEICKER. On one occasion? Mr. SLOAN. In an envelope. She--and I had forgotten this, but other testimony has brought it to mind. I think the circumstances were that he must have been out of town and called me and said, I need whatever the amount was; the only time I could pick it, up is I am coming in on Sunday or something. He said, what I will do is I will tell Sally to come into your office with an envelope and you take care of the matter and I do not want her to know what it is and she will put, it in my--he had a locked file drawer cabinet, in his, office--and she knows the combination, she will put, it in there. Senator WEICKER. So you turned over in envelope to her? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir; she did not see it. Senator WEICKER. She did not see the money but you gave her the envelope? Mr. SLOAN-. Yes. Senator WEICKER. She understood there was money in the envelope? Mr. SLOAN. No, No, sir; she did not. Senator WEICKER. She did not? Mr. SLOAN. I recall it, and I am not positive, Mr. Liddy stressed the fact that he did not want her to know that this was money. Senator WEICKER. Fine. One last question in relation to, again, the Haldeman meeting. Was there any discussion at all at that meeting of Magruder's perjury suggestion? Mr. SLOAN. I did not mention it by name, but in relating to why I had left--I was trying to give him an accounting of why I had made the. personal decisions I had. I said I have been asked to perjure myself on numerous occasions and in my judgment, there was pressure to take the fifth amendment, and I said, Bob, I am just not prepared to do that. Senator WEICKER. What was his response? Mr. SLOAN. I am not positive. I think I would be Putting words in his mouth, but I think it was to the effect that, well, I realize there were mistakes made in the early period. Senator WEICKER, I have no further questions, [00.55.25--MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL gives the gist of SLOAN's testimony, that he did not believe the White House was involved in a COVERUP, but placing MAGRUDER at the center Solicits viewer response to coverage, citing 70,000+ letters, 99% approving [shot of mailbag, MacNEILL V.O. reads letters, titles show excerpts from the letters] MacNEILL urges viewers to give feedback to local PBS stations, along with donations [PBS network ID--title screen 'SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES'--back to MacNEILL] [00.59.58--Mac NEILL introduces next questions from Sen. MONTOYA.] [01.00.07--committee room]