
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486538_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10392
Original Film: 108001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.34.08] Senator INOUYE. Now, as the events unfold, how do you feel, sir? Mr. SLOAN. Quite frankly, Senator- Senator INOUYE. Were you surprised? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Everyday I continue to be surprised. Senator INOUYE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator ERVIN. Senator Weicker. Senator WEICKER. Mr. Sloan, I would Like to, if you could go back to your meeting with Mr. Haldeman in the White House on January of this year. Mr. SLOAN, Yes, sir. Senator WEICKER. Now, first of all, exactly when was the date of this meeting? Mr. SLOAN, Senator, I am not sure of the precise date. My best recollection from memory would be toward the end of January perhaps early February. Senator WEICKER. And am I correct in stating you indicated the meeting lasted about 45 minutes? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator WEICKER. Well, my first question would by why, why the meeting, why did you request the meeting or did you request the Meeting? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, I did. Senator WEICKER. Why? Mr. SLOAN. Senator, the reason I requested the meeting, and I think the period of time in question is important, the criminal trial was over, I think some of the information on Mr. Segretti had come out, but , generally it was in a lull period where in my judgment the decisions had been made, essentially the matter had been gotten away with, that it stopped with the conviction of the seven men. I was at the point in time where I was actively seeking private employment Mr. Haldeman had essentially asked me to undertake this task. The continuing on of the political leadership in the campaign in opposition to the views I held, the fact that presumably these same men were the source of any information that Mr. Haldeman had, I felt it in my interest particularly in terms of seeking private employment to be sure that there was not an active effort on the part of the administration because of misinformation of the reasons I had done what I had done, that there would be any active efforts to make things difficult for me in terms of seeking private employment. I sought him out. I had a very cordial meeting with him, spent about 45 minutes. I told him without naming names, because I thought it was a issue, but I told him essentially that I wanted to make very clear to him why I had done what I had done, end I said I also want YOU to know that I still feel total loyalty to the President of the United States, I have worked for him over this period of time, and my wife has for a, long period of time, because we believe in what he is and I want you to know that I feel that I did not leave the team, as far as I am concerned the team left me. And I said I cannot understand the continuing support of individuals who in my judgment it is pretty obvious are involved in this situation. I think he interpreted part of the purpose of my meeting was essentially to feel out the possibility of employment in the Government. This was not my purpose. I had long ago made the decision that, is not what I wanted to do, However, it did produce the discussion On his part, a statement that the policy of the administration was that no individual who had become a "Watergate" figure or prominently mentioned in the newspapers would be, placed in high Government office until the issue was totally resolved, and I said I totally understand that policy, I couldn't agree with you more, and he said in terms of your age I agree with your decision, this is the right time to go out in the private sector if you want to make a career there. However, if at a later date, if this matter is totally resolved, if you want to be considered for high position in Government I will be glad to sponsor you, Generally, I think this was the tone and nature of this discussion, Senator WEICKER. Now, did that meeting have anything to do with your being rehired by the Committee To Re-Elect the President as a consultant? Mr., SLOAN. No, sir; I made that, decision prior to that. This would be probably about the midpoint during that consultancy. I went to the committee in early January, probably I think January 3, [00.39.27]