
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486533_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10392
Original Film: 108001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.12.58] Senator BAKER. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. Whatever wisdom I have in that respect I learned from you. But anyway, I think it might be of some interest to know how we provided for the security of these documents. Judge Sirica ordered a certified copy delivered to us provided that the documents would be delivered to the chairman and vice chairman for disposition as they directed. Senator Ervin and I, in accommodation of that suggestion by Judge Sirica, conferred on how best to provide for the security of documents that are considered classified at a Very high level. I am also a member of the Joint, Committee on Atomic Energy. The Joint Committee on Atomic Energy has the highest security custodial facilities. The committee permitted us then to provide for separate storage of those documents in a separate safe under the direction of the security officer of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, in a secure area protected 24 hours a day by guards, protected by automatic detection systems, protected by other devices that, I believe, virtually guarantee that there would not be intrusion into that area. No one has seen those documents except the members of this committee Plus the chief counsel and the, minority counsel. No one has taken those documents out of the secure area. Those documents are still in a secure area. It is a matter of some pride the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy since its instigation, since its beginning, has never had a security leak and I am sure this does not constitute an exception to the rule. Senator ERVIN. Any other member of the, committee desire to make any statement before we resume the questioning of the witness? Senator Inouye will resume the questioning of the witness. [00.15.12] Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Sloan, I gathered from the testimony yesterday you have been involved in raising funds, political funds since 1965; is that correct? TESTIMONY ;OF HUGH W. SLOAN, SR.-Resumed Mr. SLOAN. Yes sir, that is correct. Senator INOUYE. I would gather that this would qualify you as an expert in political fundraising. Mr. SLOAN. I am not sure anybody really becomes an expert in this area, Senator. senator INOUYE. I gather also from the testimony yesterday that you were a member of the budget committee. Mr. SLOAN, Yes, sir, that is correct, senator INOUYE. Who were the other members of this committee? Mr. SLOAN. To my best, recollection it was Mr. John Mitchell, Mr. Maurice Stans, myself, Mr. Lee Nunn, vice chairman of the financial committee, Mr. Jeb Magruder and Mr. Fred Malek. Mr. Robert Odle participated in those meetings in the form of keeping the notes of changes and so forth as we proceeded through budget, reviews. He would take that information, recollate it and revise it and provide the working papers for any subsequent, meeting. Senator INOUYE. Would you call this a high echelon Policy committee? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Senator INOUYE. Now, did this committee decide upon how funds were to be spent? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, it really had a dual function, which is the reason for the joint representation essentially, of the political members and the finance members. The finance input essentially into budget committee meetings would be, to indicate at any, particular point in time what, our best estimates might be of what we realistically felt we could raise in terms of funds for the total effort. We also had responsibility in providing a detailed budget for our own operating overhead for the, finance committee as one of the items considered in these meetings.