
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 7, 1973
Clip: 486532_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10392
Original Film: 108001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.07.04] . *SEE RESTRICTIONS FIELD OF RIGHTS SECTION*** MacNEILL introduces guest commentator, David AUSTEN, Georgetown University LAW PROFESSOR. MacNEILL asks AUSTEN about the important points of the day's hearings. AUSTEN comments that SLOAN is just a great witness, honest, confident, candid, that he is a model witness, particularly in being pinned down about exact words, is candid to admit he is not sure. This is in contrast to PORTER, who is much more insistent on exact words etc, States that PORTER'S testimony will probably cast some disrepute on the legal profession as PORTER recounts a story of the CRP's lawyer falling asleep during a conslutation with PORTER. [00.08.40] LEHRER states that AUSTEN will comment further at the end of the day, along with an interview by reporter Peter KAYE with Senator Daniel INOUYE. MacNEILL advises that the most dramatic questioning, by Sen. BAKER of PORTER, comes at the end. Offers an hourly summary of the hearings. [00.09.09--cut to SLOAN at table with counsel, MacNEILL continues v.o. to give summary--titles show the thrust of testimony] [00.10.26--Sen. ERVIN/gavel] Senator ERVIN. The committee will come to order. The New York Times and the, Washington Post, carried news dispatches indicating that papers identified' as the so-called "Dean papers" have been released in some manner to the New York Times, and published in part in the New York Times. When Judge Sirica ordered a copy of these--I do not know whether they are the same papers but indications are that, they are--ordered copies of the papers which Mr. Dean allegedly carried from the White House and placed in the safety deposit, box and later surrendered to Judge Sirica and furnished to this committee, I have a very wise man for a vice chairman of this committee. In spite of his youthful appearance he has wisdom of the ages and he suggested to me when the papers were received that we deposit them in a secure place under the most watchful security officer, and I am happy to report that an investigation made this morning indicates that any release that May have been made to the press of any papers of this nature did not Come from this committee. These papers were deposited under the understanding they would be kept, secure, that. no one would have access to them except the Senator., who constitute members of this committee and that no member of this committee would make any notes in respect to those papers. So I am glad to be able to report that however the New York Time, may have, gotten copies of any Papers of that nature, that they did not come from committee or from copies of the copy deposited with this committee under order Of Judge Sirica. I would be glad to have my wise colleague make a statement, on this point. [00.12.58]