
Watergate Hearings: Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 6, 1973 Testimony of Hugh Sloan

Watergate Hearings: Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 6, 1973 Testimony of Hugh Sloan
Clip: 486506_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10389
Original Film: 107002
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

[00.46.20] Senator ERVIN. But did the checks for the Mexican banks totaling $89,000 come into the committee offices? Mr. SLOAN. Yes sir, they did. Senator ERVIN. They came into the committee offices, in the form of checks, did they not? Mr. SLOAN. Cashier's checks, both. Senator ERVIN,. Cashier's checks from the Mexico City Bank? Mr. SLOAN. Yes sir, Senator ERVIN. When did those funds reach the committee office? Mr. SLOAN. On the evening of April 5. Senator ERVIN. How did they get there? Mr. SLOAN. Mr. Roy Winchester brought them to my office, that evening. Senator ERVIN, Who is Mr. Winchester? Mr. SLOAN. Mr. Winchester, I believe, is the vice president of the Pennzoil Corp. Senator ERVIN. I wish you would look at these documents that are marked "Government Exhibit 112C," "Government Exhibit 112D," "Government Exhibit 112B," and "Government Exhibit 112A" and see if you can identify them. Mr. SLOAN. Yes sir, I believe these tire. accurate copies of the checks I handled. Senator ERVIN. Let those be marked, numbered as exhibits and received as such. Senator ERVIN. Did Mr. Winchester bring any other cash along with those checks? Mr. SLOAN. Yes sir, he came in with a briefcase that, to the best of my recollection, in terms of checks, cash, including, these cashier's checks, totaled somewhere in the, neighborhood of $700,000. Senator ERVIN, Do you know, where. he carried that cash and those checks from? Mr. SLOAN. My understanding was that these were a result of fund-raising effort in the Southwest Senator ERVIN. In Texas? Mr. SLOAN. I know Texas, but whether it was just restricted to Texas, I am not sure. senator ERVIN. You do not know from your own knowledge, of course, whether they came from fund raising or whether they came from correspondence? Mr. SLOAN. As I recall, all the checks were individual checks. The cash funds--I might explain. 'There was a listing in the briefcase, the total amount which equaled the, total amount in the briefcase, Individual names were associated -with each of those items. Senator ERVIN. Were am- checks brought at that time in addition to these four Mexican checks? Mr. SLOAN. Oh, Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. I thought that the rest Was in cash Wits I mistaken in that? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. I think a large proportion of it Was in personal checks from contributors. Senator ERVIN. I would like to hand you a check that purports to be drawn on the First, Bank and Trust, Co. of Boca Raton, a cashier's check, to the order of Kenneth H. Dahlberg. I hand that to you and ask if you can identify that? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir; that, appears to be accurate. Senator ERVIN. When did that check reach the office of the Committee To Re-Elect the President? Mr. SLOAN. I did not know when Secretary Stans received it. I believe he turned it over to me sometime in the week following April 7. Senator ERVIN. This cheek was not dated, this cashier's check was not dated until April 10, 1972, 3 days after the new law went into effect. Mr. SLOAN. Secretary Stans in giving that, check to me, told me it, represented pre-April 7 funds. Senator ERVIN. The committee proceeded upon the advice of Mr. Liddy to the, effect that, if somebody promised them money before April 7, or they had agreed to make a disbursement before April 7, that that did not have to be reported--is that, so' Mr. SLOAN. I believe that, is correct, Senator. Senator ERVIN. NOW, what happened to these four Mexican checks? Mr. SLOAN. Senator, excuse me. In response to that other question, presumably Mr. Liddy gave his advice to Secretary Stans. He did not specifically give that advice to me. It, was represented that way to me by Secretary Stans. Senator ERVIN. In other words., Mr. Stans told you that Mr. Dahlberg's check had been received somewhere under some circumstances by somebody before April 7, and, therefore, even. though it had not reached the committee or any person authorized to receive funds on behalf of the committee, that it, was received before April 7? Mr. SLOAN, My understanding riders was that Mr. Kenneth Dahlberg, Who was an authorized representative of the committee, had received it from Mr. Dwayne Andreas. As to the exact circumstance of that arrangement I do not know, Senator ERVIN,. Were not the four -Mexican. checks and the Dahlberg check deposited in a bank in Miami, Fla. Mr. SLOAN. That is what I understood happened to them, Senator. It, -was certainly not Under my instructions. [00.52.16]