
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 6, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 6, 1973
Clip: 486482_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10387
Original Film: 107003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.53.29] Mr. DASH. Did that statement Mean anything to you -at that time, Mr. Sloan? Mr. SLOAN. Not right then. It was an odd statement to make obviously, but, I had no knowledge at that point in time of the break itself . It, had no real relevance, I assumed he was talking about what people do in campaigns all the time, when they make mistakes they are going to lose their jobs, Mr. DASH. Did there come a time during the day when you did give significance to the statement? Mr. SLOAN, Yes, sir. Mr. DASH. When was that and what significance did you give to it? Mr. SLOAN. It would have been at the time I received knowledge of the break-in, the fact I believe it was indicated at that point Mr. McCord was involved. It would have been at, some point after that meeting with Mr. Liddy. Mr. DASH. On or about June 21 or 22 did you have a conversation with Mr. Magruder? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Mr. DASH. Could you briefly tell the committee what that conversation was about? Mr. SLOAN. I forget all of the circumstances surrounding it. I am not positive on the dates but to the best of my recollection, this would be the general time frame, the time period. I forget, I believe he called me to his office. He indicated to me that we are going to 'have to--or suggested to me a figure of what I had given to Mr. Liddy in the range of somewhere $75,000 to $80,000. I do not believe at that point, in time I had prepared a, summary of the figures so I did not know the precise amount of money that I had given to Mr. Liddy at that point. However, I did know that the sum was considerably larger than that because Mr. Magruder himself had authorized a payment for $837000 in one single installment. I must have indicated to him, well, that Just is not the right figure. I did not have the right. figures, but that is too low. He indicated to me at that time that I said to him, he must, have been insistent because I remember making to him on that occasion a statement I have no intention of perjuring myself. Mr. DASH. What did he say to you when you said that? Mr. SLOAN, He said you may have to. Mr. DASH. Did you have shortly after, either on that day or any day following, a conversation with Mr. Fred LaRue? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir. Mr. DASH. Who was Fred LaRue at that time? Mr. SLOAN. He was a special assistant to Mr, Mitchell, who was the Campaign director at that time. Mr. DASH. Could you just briefly give us the content of that conversation? Mr. SLOAN. I believe by that point, in that time there was a general awareness within the campaign that an internal investigation was going on and that Mr. La Rue was conducting it in behalf of Mr. Mitchell. At that meeting we discussed, I believe, in general terms, and again my recollection, if the timing is right, I would not have the right figure, We were just generally discussing figures cash problems and he specifically mentioned, he asked me whether I received a $50,000 contribution from Mr. Porter and I said I had, and he said, and this would be after April 7, he said what have you done with it? I said I have done, nothing because I do not know who it is from. I am waiting for Mr. Porter to give me the information. He called in Mr. Porter and this Was in the context of there is going to be an external investigation, are there any remaining problems, things that, could be embarrassing? I Was recounting to him there were certain funds we did not have information on, we had done nothing. He, called Mr. Porter in and asked him about it, and Mr. Porter said he did not know, it, came through an attorney in Washington, they did not want to be. known, it was an anonymous contribution. I believe at that point, whether Mr. Porter was still there or -not I am not sure, I had a call from my own office from Jane Dannenhauer, my secretary, which indicated there were two agents form the FBI in my office, who would appreciate the pleasure of seeing me at that point. Mr. LaRue indicated that I do not think he should go down there without seeing John Mitchell first. He said wait here, and he went down the ball to Mr. Mitchell's office. He came back and got me and I believe Mr. Mardian was in the, room as well. Mr. DASH. You said Mr. Mardian was in the room with whom? Mr. SLOAN. With Mr. Mitchell, I entered with Mr. LaRue in Mr. Mitchell's office. Mr. DASH. Did you have any discussion with Mr. Mitchell at that I time? Mr. SLOAN. Yes, sir, Mr. DASH. What was that discussion? Mr. SLOAN. I was essentially asking for guidance. The campaign literally at, this point was falling apart before your eyes, nobody was coming up with any answers as to what was really going on. 1 had some very strong concerns about where all of this money had gone. I essentially asked for guidance, at which point he told me, "When the going gets tough, the tough get, going." [Laughter.] [00.58.36]