
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 6, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 6, 1973
Clip: 486478_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10387
Original Film: 107003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.30.39] Mr. DASH, With regard to the $350,000 or any other cash, could you tell us what denominations generally the, cash was in? Mr. SLOAN. I would say generally the cash was in $100 bills, although though at times, there were $50's, $20's, $10's. At one point, I think we even' had some $1,000 bills. Mr. DASH. Now, with regard to Mr. Porter. Mr. SLOAN. I might, add one further remark about the $350,000. To the best of my recollection, after having the authority from Mr. Kalmbach to do this, there was a meeting in Secretary Stans office in which he was present and 1 was present. I do not, believe this was the subject, of the meeting. think it was a very brief reference. My recollection is that Mr. Kalmbach indicated to Mr. Stans that he had had this request for $350,000, that he had asked me to get it together. MY best recollection is that, Mr. Stans said fine. Mr. DASH. Now do you know Of Your own knowledge the purpose, or reason for the $350,000 being sent to the White House? Mr. SLOAN. No sir, I do not. Mr. DASH. GO to the next person, please. Mr. SLOAN. Mr. Herbert Porter, Who was a member of the staff of the Committee to Re-Elect, the President,. He was in charge of scheduling surrogates, speakers for the President, in place of the President. This $100,000 covered a period probably starting in either December 1971 or January 1972. He had a blanket authority to draw cash funds from Mr. Magruder he would come to me and indicate on various occasions, I need $10,000, would you have it ready for me. This $100,000 is not a single disbursement The, increments of disbursement or distribution were probably in the range of $10,000 to $15,000 over a period of time, running up to April 7 and beyond. To the best of my recollection, I turned over approximately $6,000 to Mr. Porter following the April 7 date under my understanding that these were committee funds. In that, case, he--excuse me. Mr. Porter, I understand from his testimony to the General Accounting Office, puts the figure higher, at, $11,000, So I say, this is from memory. I would not, dispute his recollection. I believe he also recollects the total figure to be somewhat less. I had instructions and I forget from whom--possibly -Mr. Magruder- that a Mr. Porter would receive no further funds after April 7. When Mr. Porter came to me with that request,, I went to Mr. Stans. I asked him--I indicated to him that my clear understanding was that _Mr. -Porter -would no longer receive any cash funds. He indicated to me at that time that that was his understanding as well, that he would take the matter up with 'Mr. Mitchell and let me know. On his return, he indicated to me that I should continue making payments on request from Mr. Porter. Mr. DASH. I think you have. Indicated that Mr. Porter had a blanket authority from 'Mr., -Magruder and that later you checked or it was checked with _Mr. Mitchell. Generally, who had the authority to approve your making cash payments to anybody? Mr. SLOAN. In the earlier period, it -would have been Mr. Kalmbach alone He did not physically spend much time in Washington, D.C. He would be in and Out every week or two He would visit, with Mr. Mitchell. At some point in time, fairly early, he indicated to me-and I believe that initially, it was with regard to funds--that I was not to disburse any money without 'Mr. Mitchell's approval. Mr. DASH, This is what period you tire now talking about? Mr. SLOAN. This would be prior to Mr. Mitchell leaving the Justice Department. It would be in probably the summer of 1971. Mr. DASH. Did you check with Mr. Mitchell to get his approval on making cash payments? Mr. SLOAN. What happened in this regard was essentially that I don't believe any cash payments came up before the authority issue was resolved. What had been done prior to my assuming the disbursements side of the campaign, going back to the Citizens Committee, when we first moved into the campaign, before there was a division of finance and political arms of the campaign, Mr. Harry Flemming was handling the disbursement side and I was handling the receipts side. During I that period of time, he had established a procedure with Mr. Mitchell of sending down a monthly budget in writing. I inherited that procedure from him and with regard to the operating expenses of the committee, each month, I would send down to the Justice Department a memorandum outlining the projected expenses of the campaign at that point for the following month. Generally, his secretary would call back and say fine. So that anything that fell within that budget would be approved in that kind of way. Any extraordinary item- I would have to call him, or call his secretary, and ask him.. [00.36.32]