
Watergate Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973.

Watergate Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973.
Clip: 486455_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10386
Original Film: 106005
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

Watergate Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973. 13.05 [LEHRER in studio] [**SEE RESTRICTIONS FIELD IN RIGHTS AREA**] LEHRER remarks that the day's testimony featured two witnesses who had access to the sensitive files but did not read them because they were not supposed to. States that the Republicans obviously have no reason to fear for security within their own campaign. Notes the mention of political spies, in the GEMSTONE files. States that the next days witness, Hugh SLOAN, who quit the campaign after Watergate, will offer a different perspective. rumored that he left because he was asked to take part in the COVERUP. This is part of a plan to skip over more details of the BREAK-IN and concentrate on the aftermath. [cut Correspondent Peter KAYE in committee room with Sam DASH] KAYE asks when the tesimony will be given by John DEAN and MAGRUDER, the "Big Boys" of the scandal. DASH discusses his plans to wrap up the hearings within the requirements of the Senate Resolution. DASH says the next phase will be investigating the COVERUP. [cut MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL remarks that DASH has done most to set the course of the investigation, laying a foundation for the investigation, before proceeding to the big fish [cut LEHRER] LEHRER introduces guest commentary from Alan BARTH, a journalist, and Adrian FISHER of Georgetown University Law School. Commentarty about the Committee's refusal to delay the proceedings as per the request of Archibald COX, Special prosecutor. FISHER says it was a good move, because after the trials and appeals start, it will be impossible to conduct such an investigation. BARTH says he was impressed by the Committee's action of backing off of forcing LIDDY to testify. Says there's an ugly legacy of Congressional Committees of forcing Witnesses to plead the Fifth Amendment publicly and embarassing them. FISHER states that the activities of the Senate Committee have given a kick in the ass to the criminal investigation of Watergate [paraphrase] BARTH states that the simultaneous action of the Special Prosecutor has served to check the excesses of Congressional Committees generally. LEHRER introduces the next day's testimony of SLOAN as more "background", with careful, methodical proceedings. Notes that the hearings have brought "real people" like REISNER and HARMONY to the public view, reflects on the human aspect of the unfolding scandal, and "new famous people" created by it. Solicits viewer response. Signs off {title screen "SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES"] [PBS Network ID] [00.25.22--TAPE OUT]