
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486439_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.48.16] Senator ERVIN. Mr. Haldeman was Chief of Staff in the White House? Mr. REISNER. That is correct. In fairness to the nature of what we, were doing there, we were working for the President who was the candidate and, therefore, we were providing him the, opportunity I , if he wished, or if Mr. Haldeman wished to see any documents that were taking place in his campaign. Senator ERVIN. Do you know whether anyone on the Committee To Re-Elect the President ever received any communications from Mr. Haldeman? Mr. Reisner Yes, sir; I would imagine that a number of people--to be precise--Mr. Haldeman had working for him a man named Mr. Gordon Strachan. It was my impression that Mr. Strachan communicated frequently with many members in the committee. Mr. Haldeman himself may have communicated directly with other senior staff members. 1 do not imagine that it was frequent. Senator ERVIN. Would it be proper to describe Mr. Strachan. 's activities as something in the nature of liaison between the Committee To Re-Elect the President and Mr. Haldeman? Mr. REISNER. Yes,sir. Senator ERVIN. Have you had any conversation with Mr. Magruder since June 17? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir; I have on a number of occasions. You mean Conversations related to the concerns of your committee? Senator ERVIN. Yes. Mr. Reisner I have subsequent to June 17, there took place a' conversation in which I asked Mr, Magruder about some of the things which I have described previously. I think I asked him by my Of raising some suspicion, just what was going on, and I think I asked him on that occasion what Gemstone was, because I did not know what Gemstone was, and he indicated to me that he did not know what Gemstone was either. Now, at that time I was asking him are we involved in thi's thing, are we connected to this thing, because it looks a little suspicious, and he indicated to me that we were not. There was another conversation in which Mr. Magruder, I had volunteered to be helpful to another member of the committee and it would have, I think, involved me getting involved in subsequent activities, and he indicated to me that I should not. Senator ERVIN. Now, in Your conversation with Mr. -Magruder in Which You asked Mr. Magruder what the Gemstone file meant or was-- did that occur after he had called from California and asked That it, be removed from the. committee headquarters over the weekend? Mr. REISNER. Yes, sir; the conversation I am describing took place in his office.. I think he may have initiated it; by calling me. into his office and saying you know, how are things going or something like that. Senator ERVIN. After that, he told you he did not know what, the Gemstone file was? Mr. REISNER. That is correct. Senator ERVIN. He told you and Mr. Odle the night when be called from California that, it was very sensitive, did he. not,? Mr. REISNER. Yes, he did. Senator ERVIN. Please remove it, from the office over the weekend? Mr. Reisner Yes, he did. Senator ERVIN. How many times did Mr. Magruder Meet with John Mitchell before John Mitchell became the, campaign director? Mr. REISNER. Prior to 'March 1, 1 can only Speak of the times between November and March when I knew Mr. Magruder. He met with him several times a week, I would say, on the, average. That, is indicated in the notebook that by have described and Vicki Chern kept. Senator ERVIN. And that was while Mr. Mitchell was still Attorney General and had offices in the Justice Department? Mr. REISNER. Yes, Sir; he went down to meet -Mr. Mitchell, that, is right. Senator ERVIN. 'Now, how many times did Mr, 'Magruder meet with Mr. Mitchell after Mr. Mitchell resigned, ceased to be Attorney General and took up offices in the headquarters of the Committee To Re-Elect the President? MI REISNER. I Would say 'Mr. Magruder perhaps early in March, when Mr. Mitchell also was concerned with the hearings concerning ITT, it may not have had this frequency, but certainly with the exception of those days it was my impression that Mr. -Magruder met with Mr. Mitchell every day. Senator ERVIN. When was your first conversation With Mr. Magruder on June 19 1972? Mr. Reisner On June 19, 1972? That was on the Monday morning When Mr. Magruder returned' from California. I believe I just saw him when he came in and did not have an opportunity to talk to him, Senator ERVIN. Did -Mr. -Magruder have meetings from time to time with members of the White House staff? MR. REISNER. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. How frequently? Mr. REISNER. I -would say that. I would say that be, met, with different members of the White House staff who were concerned with different aspects of the campaign practically every day, certainly as the campaign he heated up and became more active he did, but that could have, that would have to be verified in the calendar, I cannot Speak precisely. Senator ERVIN. Where did the meetings take place" Mr. REISNER. It depended on the individual. If it Was a Senior member of the White House staff I Would say that it probably took place at the White House or in the Executive Office Building. if it was a member, more junior member of the staff, it probably took place in our office. [00.54.02]