
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486430_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10384
Original Film: 106003
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.00.45--in Robert REISNER, former aide to CRP head Jeb MAGRUDER, testifying] Mr. REISNER......for Mr. Magruder's convenience so that if he handed Mitchell a copy of a document he would himself have a copy to refer to, and that is what this refers to. It means that, those two folders wore. prepared with the documents that he wanted to take to the meeting with him. Mr. LENZNER. Prior to the meeting with Mr. Mitchell, did Mr. Liddy ask you to obtain anything for him in preparation for that meeting? Mr. REISNER. I am not certain Whether this was. the meeting. I do not remember Mr. Liddy going to meetings, with Mr, 'Mitchell very often. I presume this was the meeting. I can remember a conversation with Mr. Liddy in which he came to me and indicated that he had something of the nature of a visual presentation that, he wished to make and He was interested in being certain that there was an easel or something that he could mount this on in Mr. Mitchell's office. I subsequently tried to determine whether there was such assistance. I do not, think I had it myself, I think I asked one of the secretaries to call Mr. Mitchell's secretary to make that determination, and there was none. That was the nature Of the conversation and his inquiry. Mr. LENZNER. Did you ever see Mr. Liddy with any charts or packages? Mr. REISNER. I saw him With a package that I think might have been charts and might not have been charts, I can't say. Mr. LENZNER. Do you remember approximately when that was? Mr. REISNER. I relate it to approximately the same period of time,. Mr. LENZNER. Do you know if anybody else attended this meeting on February 4 or was scheduled to attend it, besides Mr. Liddy and Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Magruder? Mr. REISNER. I do not know. I have been shown the records that were kept by the secretary who worked for me, Vicki Chern, and in those records it indicates that Mr. Dean attended, would have been Invited to attend that, meeting too, That, is what. the records show. I have no recollection myself. Mr. LENZNER. Now, in February or March of 1972, did Mr. Liddy furnish until a document to give to Mr. Magruder? Mr. REISNER. two think that we have discussed a document which Mr. Liddy gave me. He from time to time would come into my Office Which was located in front of' Mr. Magruder's office, it was adjacent when Mr. Liddy was unable to get in to see Mr. Magruder, because he was busy or for other reasons or perhaps he just hadn't scheduled an appointment, he would from time to time stop in MY office, indicate the nature of his business. He from time to time had stopped in and on one occasion I can remember him giving me a sheet of paper which I would identify only as being a blank sheet of paper with such typing on it. I don't remember. A letterhead. On this sheet of paper, the only recollection I have of the sheet Of paper that we have discussed is there was some figures in the right-hand side of the page. Mr. Liddy made the statement to me that he hated to write something like this down and that is literally the extent of the statement. It was clear to me that I shouldn't, that it wasn't for my consumption either because of the way in which he gave me the piece of paper, as he handed it to me it was put face down on the desk, and I would say within a matter of minutes given to Mr. Magruder and that is--- Mr. LENZNER. Do you remember if there was a, total amount on the paper. Mr. REISNER. We discussed this. My best recollection is there could have been a total and I seem to remember the figure "250." Subsequently I have read newspaper accounts indicating there was $250,000 in a certain alleged budget. It is supposition on my part to say what the piece of paper was. I don't know, Mr. LENZNER. Now, did Mr. Magruder go to Florida in late'; March 1972? Mr. REISNER. In late March 1972, yes, he did. Mr. LENZNER. Is that reflected in the documents in front of you, that trip for March 29, 30, and 31? Mr. REISNER. Yes. On the 29th there is an entry saying "Jeb leaving for Miami." Mr. LENZNER. Do you know who he was going to see? Mr. REISNER. Yes at that time it is my recollection that Mr. Mitchell was at Key Biscayne and that Jeb had a meeting with Mr. Mitchell in Key Biscayne and that is who he was going to see. Mr. LENZNER. And are there tiny notations reflecting Mr. Liddy's name on any of those dates, in your documents? Mr. REISNER. OK, I think- what you are referring to is, well it says "leave for Key Biscayne" also on the 29th, on the 30th; there are A. number of references to Mr. Liddy. Mr. LENZNER. In the upper left-hand corner of the 30th, what does that reflect? Mr. REISNER. It says "Get Gordon Liddy." Mr. LENZNER. What does that represent? Mr. Reisner It says, that column I believe would have referred. to the fact that I had been asked to get Gordon Liddy. But my best recollection of this is that, the reason I was asked to get, Gordon Liddy, I was asked to reach him and have him call Mr. Magruder That is just a vague recollection. It could have come at another time but it makes sense in conjunction with this entry. [00.06.36]