
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486427_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10383
Original Film: 106002
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.43.09] Mrs. HARMONY. I will be happy to, Senator. Senator BAKER. Thank you very much. Senator ERVIN. I have only two questions. After Mr. Liddy dictated letters or memorandums to you and after you typed those letters or memorandums, did you not read the letters or memorandums to find out whether or not you committed grammatical errors? Mrs, HARMONY. Senator, I think normally, you will glance over them and you really do not read for content. Senator ERVIN. My secretaries read what I dictate to them afterward for grammatical errors. Mrs. HARMONY. Well, you can see whether the subject matches verb and this sort of thing, but to know What the content is, you don't read it well enough to retain it in your mind as to what it was. Senator ERVIN. Did Mr. Liddy tell you why he was discharged from the committee? Mrs. HARMONY. The reason he gave me that, he was discharged by the committee was that, he had refused to answer the question posed to him by the FBI agents that afternoon. Senator ERVIN, Mr. Dash. Mr. DASH. Mrs. Harmony, I think on the subject of whether you knew the content, or what it was you were in fact typing Mrs, HARMONY. Yes. Mr. DASH. Did you ever have, prior to Your job with the Committee To Re-Elect, the President, any type of job where you were engaged in security activity or had any experience with telephone logs? Mrs. HARMONY. No, sir. Mr. DASH. You did know, however, when you were discussing either with Mr. McCord or typing from the dictation or the memos the telephone logs, that they were telephone conversations? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes? sir, Mr. DASH. I think it, was your testimony earlier that you did know there were certain topics. I think you mentioned conversations concerning goods and services of the Democratic National Committee. You were aware of certain topics? Mrs, HARMONY. Yes, sir. Mr. DASH, And you were aware that they did deal with the Democratic campaign? Mrs. HARMONY. I beg your pardon? Mr. DASH. You were aware that, the, topics did deal with the Democratic campaign. Mrs. HARMONY. This particular one did. Yes. Mr. DASH. And the telephone conversations? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, there was one. Mr. DASH. Am(] the telephone con conversations. ions. were you able to know what YOU were typing that there were two parties involved? Mrs. HARMONY. Two people Mr. DASH. A person sending a, message and a person receiving the message? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes,, there were two people involved, yes, Mr. DASH. Do you have any idea how that came to be, that, it, was being recorded or typed by you' How did you find from your own knowledge that somebody in r. Mr. Liddy's position or Mr. McCord's Position had his possession the conversation of two people on the telephone? Mrs. HARMONY. I am sorry Mr. Dash I am not understanding Your question. Mr. DASH. Well, you knew you were typing the conversation of two People on the telephone, did you not? Mrs. HARMONY. That is right. Mr. DASH. And that this was based upon a recording, Did you not? Mrs. HARMONY. Not necessarily. It could have been two people in the same room, one on another extension. Mr. DASH. But it was a telephone conversation? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes. Mr. DASH. And it was a telephone conversation of the people in the Committee To Re-Elect the President" Mrs. HARMONY. No, Sir. Mr. DASH. I think you have testified that it had to do with the Democratic Party. Mrs. HARMONY. Mr. Dash, I have testified, I have given you two names. I did not know-no offense to these people--but I did not know who they were or where they were physically located or that they were in fact with the Democratic National Committee. I am aware that the contents of one of the memos did deal with possible Democratic candidates. Mr. DASH. Now, you were aware, I think you testified earlier, that Mr. Liddy told you he was going to be involved in clandestine activities? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, sir. Mr. DASH, And you did use this particular stationery for recording that clandestine activity? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, sir. Mr. DASH. I have no further questions. Senator ERVIN, Mr. Thompson. Mr. THOMPSON. No, Mr. Chairman, I have none. Senator ERVIN. I would like to state on behalf of the committee--the witness is excused. [Witness excused.] I would like to state on behalf of the committee that as chairman, I met with the committee staff for the purpose of receiving the testimony in executive session of Mr. G. Gordon Liddy, who appeared in person' with attorney in response to a subpena issued by the committee. Mr. Liddy declined to take the oath as a witness and declined to testify, either then or before the committee in an open meeting, on the basis that be contended he was exempt from so doing by the fifth and sixth amendments. The matter has been considered by the full committee. Also, there was an immunity order under sections 6002 and 6005 Of' Title 18, United States Code, He declined to testify on the ground that, he was exempt from so doing, notwithstanding the immunity order, by the fifth and sixth amendments. In view of the fact that Mr. Liddy has an appeal pending and in the event that a new trial should be awarded, he would have the right to refrain from taking the witness stand or going on the witness stand at his election not the committee decided they would insist on receiving his testimony at this time. I want to thank you, Mrs. Harmony, for appearing before the co committee and for your testimony. It is almost the regular recess time and unless there is some objection on the part of the committee, we will defer calling the next witness until the committee resumes the. session at 2 o'clock. [00.49.23--LEHRER in studio]