
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486424_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10383
Original Film: 106002
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.33.06] Senator ERVIN. You are unable to identify that as the folders in which what you typed on the Gemstone papers was marked? Mrs. HARMONY. I hate to be unable to identify it as that, but with the wording down in the left-hand corner, it might, well be. But I don't recall putting any material in it, Senator, no, sir. Senator ERVIN. But you do know the Gemstone typing -was put into some kind of conveyance Similar to that, don't you? Mrs. HARMONY. No, sir. I only typed the material and gave it back to Mr. Liddy. Senator ERVIN. Mr. Baker, Senator BAKER, Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. Mrs. Harmony, I believe the committee and staff have covered your testimony very thoroughly. You have, been interviewed with the staff on what, two occasions, I believe? Mrs. HARMONY. Three occasions. Senator BAKER. And you have appeared before the grand jury Mrs. HARMONY. On four occasions. Senator BAYER, Four times. There is only one question or one line of questioning that, occurs to me that might be further elaborated. Your testimony, as I understood it, was that you gave the Gemstone stationery invoice to Mr. Magruder, Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, sir, Senator BAKER. Rather than to Mr. Odle. Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, sir. Senator BAKER. Because as I understood you to say, you thought he would know more about it. Mrs. HARMONY, Yes, sir. Senator BAKER. Could you tell me why you thought he would know more about it? Mrs. HARMONY. I cannot tell you, other than the fact that I do know Mr. Liddy saw him frequently. But., my being aware that any of this Material was given to Mr. Magruder, I cannot factually say that I gave, it to him or handed it to him other than the fact, that he did take one general intelligence memo to Mr. Magruder when Mr. Liddy was in the office. Senator BAKER. I rather judge that you are probably a very, very efficient secretary. I rather judge you are probably telling us exactly the truth when you say a good secretary-stenographer listens to words and not to content. I can't really quarrel with that. I have good secretaries and I know that to be the case, I believe. But, it is difficult for me to comprehend that you made an independent, decision to give this to Mr. Magruder rather than Mr. Odle without having some basis for making that judgment. Can you help me with that? Mrs. HARMONY. No, I cannot, I only knew that I should take it to Mr. Magruder. I had no reason. Senator BAKER. Could you give us any inkling of why you should do that? Mrs. HARMONY. No inkling at all. Senator BAKER. Well, now, let's move on from that, for a, moment., I really don't want to press you. I think you have been very cooperative But did you have some reason to think that this dealt With' money that might be spent secretly? Did you have some reason to think this might have something to do with a separate classification of intelligence gathering or clandestine activities with some other branch of activity beyond the scope and jurisdiction of the regular chain of command? Did any of those things lead you to the conclusion that it ought to go to Mr. Magruder? Mrs. HARMONY. The word "Gemstone" was printed on the invoice sir, as Gemstone stationery, Senator BAKER. Ruby 1, Ruby 2, and Crystal. Mrs. HARMONY. " Gemstone" stationery. Senator BAKER. Was that what, caused you to give it to Mr. Magruder? Mrs. HARMONY. That is what caused me to give it to Mr. Magruder. Had it been a, regular invoice or just simply stationery, I would have probably processed it through myself. Senator BAKER, What was your understanding of the code word, "Gemstone?" Mrs. HARMONY. The code word "Gemstone," when. we started to use it, encompassed the general intelligence memos plus the telephone conversations that I typed. Senator BAKER. Did you give other Gemstone material to Mr.. Magruder? Mrs. HARMONY. I don't, know whether the memo that I took up him that time and put it on plain white bond, it may have been, "Gemstone" at the top of that one, I don't recall. Senator BAKER. I remember now you said those documents were given to Mr. Liddy and you lost touch with with where they went after that? Mrs. HARMONY. That is right, sir. Senator BAKER. Why didn't you give this invoice to Mr. Liddy? Mrs. HARMONY. Mr. Liddy was gone. It came after he was charged from the committee. Senator BAYER. An additional reason, then--let me ask you, had Liddy been there, what would have been done? Mrs. HARMONY. I would have given it to him. Senator BAKER. Because it said "Gemstone" on there? Mrs. HARMONY. Because it was Gemstone, and I would assume would not want it to be processed by the finance committee in form.