
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486423_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10383
Original Film: 106002
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.27.56] Senator ERVIN. How often did you see Mr. Magruder and Mr. Liddy to ether? Mrs. HARMONY. I do not recall. Well, one time I did deliver a memo to Mr. Magruder's office when Mr. Liddy was there. It was an intelligence memo which he had dictated to me. he was In a hurry, said bring it to Mr. Magruder's office. That, I did. Senator ERVIN. Did I understand you to testify Mr. Liddy on one or more occasions told you he -was going to Visit Mr. John Mitchell? Mrs. HARMONY, Yes, he has told-- Senator ERVIN. How, many times did he make statements to that effect to you? Mrs. HARMONY. Senator Ervin, that would be difficult for me to say. I would say maybe two or three occasions Mr. Liddy has on many occasions gone out of the office on the second floor and said'. I am going upstairs. Senator ERVIN. 'Who was upstairs? Mrs. HARMONY. Anybody that was not with the finance committee. Senator ERVIN. Where was Mr. Mitchell's office? Mrs. HARMONY. Mr. Mitchell's office was on the fourth floor, I think. Senator ERVIN. That is upstairs? Mrs. HARMONY. That was upstairs. 'Mr. Magruder was upstairs, Yes. Senator ERVIN. But. on several occasions Mr. Magruder did tell You he was going to visit Mr. Mitchell, Mrs. HARMONY. Mr. Liddy, has on occasion said he was going to Mitchell's office. Senator ERVIN. You spoke of the fact that there were telephone conversations between Mr. Liddy and Bernard Barker. Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. Were these long distance calls? Mrs. HARMONY. Senator, sometimes Mr. Barker did call from Florida and sometimes I was really not aware where he was calling from. Senator ERVIN. How often did conversations occur between Mr. Liddy and Mr. Barker? Mrs. HARMONY. By Mr. Liddy answering his own phone I cannot give, you a definite answer. I would say offhand I may have taken four or five calls from Mr. Barker. Senator ERVIN. About what time of the year did these occur? Mrs. HARMONY. Well, there have been two calls from Mr. Barker, the last 2 weeks in March when we worked upstairs, I am aware of, Senator ERVIN. Did you know what they talked about? Mrs. HARMONY. No, sir. Senator ERVIN. You also state that on some occasions Mr. Liddy had telephone conversations with people in the White House. Can identify any of those people except Mr. John W. Dean III and Mr. Krogh? Mrs. HARMONY. I think he talked with Mr. Strachan. occasionally' If I had the list of names I could pick some out. Senator ERVIN. How frequently did these conversations occur? Mrs. HARMONY. I say very infrequently. But he may have made his own, placed his own calls that I am not aware. Senator ERVIN. Did he receive any calls from the White House, to your knowledge? Mrs. HARMONY. No, sir; I am not aware, I do not recall. Senator ERVIN, You do know that he made calls to the White House and talked with Mr. Strachan, Mr. Dean, and Mr. Krogh? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, he would have received calls because as I recall, I would have taken a "leave word" if he was not there. Senator ERVIN. Why was the committee concerned with Governor Wallace's campaign? Mrs. HARMONY. I do not know. Senator ERVIN. How often did you hear Governor Wallace's campaign discussed by Mr. Liddy? Mrs. HARMONY. Mr. Chairman, this was during my first week or two with the committee. I was a little at odds at knowing who was doing what. I only just did some work that was given to me Senator ERVIN. Now you know from memos that Mr. Liddy receiving intelligence from the McGovern headquarters, do you not? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, sir. Senator ERVIN. Do you know from whom he was receiving intelligence? Mrs. HARMONY. Mr. Chairman, I do not. Senator ERVIN. Do you know whether he received it from somebody who had infiltrated Mr. McGovern's headquarters? Mrs. HARMONY. That was my assumption. Senator ERVIN. And the same thing is true with reference to headquarters of Senator Muskie? Mrs. HARMONY. That is my assumption. Senator ERVIN. So his clandestine operations, whatever they were, extended into the headquarters of two Senators who were seeking the Democratic nomination for President? Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, Sir. Senator ERVIN. Call you identify this document?* Mrs. HARMONY, That particular one, no, sir. Senator ERVIN. Can you identify that it is like some documents you have, seen? Hand this to the witness. Mrs, HARMONY. I can see it Senator. I don't know whether I have seen that or not. Senator ERVIN. I am not asking you whether you have seen this particular document. Have you seen-- Mrs. HARMONY. I know. senator ERVIN. I wish you would look at, it, and tell me whether you have seen a document similar to this one. Mrs. HARMONY. I don't, recall. I am sorry. I do not recall, [00.33.06]