
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486418_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10383
Original Film: 106002
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.11.54] [title screen "SENATE HEARINGS ON CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES"] MacNEILL states that Sally HARMONY, LIDDY'S former secretary, is to be questioned by Senator WEICKER. [committee table] Senator ERVIN. Senator Weicker? Senator WEICKER. Thank -you, Mr. Chairman. Just a few questions. Could you tell me what you' did in the period prior to moving over to the finance committee of the Committee To Re-Elect the President? There was a period of time when you worked for Mr. Liddy, as I I understand, when he was general counsel to the Committee to Re-Elect the President. Mrs. HARMONY. A 2-week period. Senator WEICKER. What was the nature of your activities during that 2-week period? Mrs. HARMONY. We were working on a project at the time getting reporting information and filing date information. Senator WEICKER. Reporting dates? Mrs. HARMONY. Filing dates or primaries and elections. Senator WEICKER. For primaries and elections? Of State Mrs. HARMONY. We were in contact with the secretaries at that time. Senator WEICKER. Was this in relation to any particular candidacy? Mrs. HARMONY. I think it runs in my mind we were making some inquiries about what might be necessary for Senator Wallace as to file. Senator WEICKER. I am sorry. Mrs. HARMONY. Governor Wallace. Senator WEICKER. You thought this might be an effort--- Mrs. HARMONY. Yes. Senator WEICKER. On behalf of Governor Wallace? Mrs. HARMONY. Not, on behalf of but, just trying to determine if he could file and in how many States he, might, be able to file, at, that time. Senator WEICKER. And this was activity being conducted out, of the general counsel's office, of the Committee To Re-Elect the President? Mrs. HARMONY. That, is right, but it also was to determine the primary dates and the filing dates for the different States for the. Committee for the Re-Election of the President. Senator WEICKER. SO that the work related both to the Committee To Re-Elect the President as to filing requirements, primary dates, and am I correct that you stated it also had a relationship to Governor Wallace? Mrs. HARMONY. I vaguely remember that, sir, and I can't give you any details on it, at all. Senator WEICKER. Let me ask you one more question. Aside from the President and Governor Wallace. was there any particular individual that this work was being done for? Mrs. HARMONY. Senator Weicker that length of time and that 2-week period I am sorry I just can't, recall. Senator WEICKER. Now, am I correct, in paraphrasing your testimony to the committee today, am I correct, in my understanding, you have, told us that at no time did you say you would lie to protect Gordon Liddy? Mrs. HARMONY. Senator Weicker, I said I never used the word perjure, I do not recall that I ever made that statement. Senator WEICKER. To the best of your recollection? Mrs, HARMONY. To the best of my recollection. Senator WEICKER. You never made that, statement,. Now, can you tell me how many times you appeared before the grand jury? Mrs. HARMONY. Senator, I have appeared before the grand jury four times, Senator WEICKER, I beg your pardon" Mrs. HARMONY. Four times, Senator WEICKER. And can you indicate to me what initiated in your second appearance before the grand jury? Mrs. HARMONY. -My second appearance, Senator Senator WEICKER. 'Yes. Mrs. HARMONY. -No, I do not, know. Senator WEICKER. Well, let me ask you this. Were Subsequent appearances before the grand Jury in any way motivated by, the fact that N-ou had withheld information at the time' of your first appearance before that body? Mrs. HARMONY. have no idea why they called me the second time. Senator WEICKER. Or third time? Mrs. HARMONY. The third time? The third time I went back, I had consulted counsel at the time. I think I was called back to maybe clarify some information. Senator WEICKER. And the fourth time? Mrs. HARMONY. I think the same reason. Senator WEICKER. Was it for clarification of your previous testimony before the grand jury, would that be correct? Mrs. HARMONY [conferring with counsel]. Yes. Senator WEICKER. I have no further questions, Mr. Chairman. [00.16.52]