
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 5, 1973
Clip: 486417_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10383
Original Film: 106002
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.05.05] Senator TALMADGE. What is your knowledge as to the type and extent to which Mr. Liddy organized controlled or 'participated in intelligence activities while you were his secretary? Mrs. HARMONY. Senator, the only information I would have would be the memos that he dictated to me and I typed for him. Senator TALMADGE. That was the full extent of your knowledge. Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, sir. Senator TALMADGE. You knew, of course, that that was coming from sources that weren't quite ethical, I guess? Mrs. HARMONY. Well, I think maybe at the time someone had mentioned the fact they were aware there were two people in our organization from the other side. Senator TALMADGE. Were you familiar with the fact some messages were taped by eavesdropping and wiretapping? Mrs. HARMONY. You are talking about the telephone conversations. I was not aware that they were wiretapped conversations at the time I was doing them, Senator TALMADGE. You never were apprised of that or subsequent? Mrs. HARMONY. NO, sir. Senator TALMADGE. What was Mr. Liddy's association with the November group? Mrs. HARMONY. Mr. Liddy was the general counsel for the committee. I think he was secretary or treasurer of that group. I think after he went to the finance committee that was probably turned over to the general counsel for the committee, Mr. Sedam. Senator TALMADGE. What was the November Group? Mrs. HARMONY. It was an advertising organization setup. Senator TALMADGE. What kind of advertising; what was the nature of the-- Mrs. HARMONY. Political advertising. Senator TALMADGE. What type, urging the reelection of the President? Mrs. HARMONY, Yes; it Was Set Up for the Committee for the Re-Election of the President. Senator TALMADGE. That was the actual extent of the November group? Mrs. HARMONY. As far as I knew. Senator TALMADGE. You never knew anything about it but it was an advertising group. Mrs. HARMONY. Yes, sir. Senator TALMADGE. Thank you, I have no further questions. [00.07.06-MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that it is HARMONY'S testimony that she did transcribe phone conversations onto the GEMSTONE stationery, but that she did not know they came from WIRETAPS. States that she will testify further about her work for LIDDY. Solicits viewer response to the "gavel to gavel" coverage, stating that there has been much response [shot of large pile of letters, imposed text on screen of samples of response] MacNEILL v.o. reads parts of the letters, notably one disgruntled viewer who states "I am so sick of hearing about Watergate I could vomit." States that the local stations are the ones that decide what to air. [Station ID] [00.11.54]