
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 30, 1974 (1/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 30, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486410_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10634
Original Film: 20700?
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.29.03] The clerk will call the roll. The CLERK. Mr. Donohue. Mr. DONOHUE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Brooks. Mr. BROOKS. Aye. The CLERK. 'Mr. Kastenmeier. Mr. KASTENMEIER. Ave. The CLERK. Mr. Edwards. Mr. EDWARDS. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Hungate. Mr. HUNGATE. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Conyers. Mr. CONYERS. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Eilberg. Mr. EILBERG. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Waldie. Mr. WALDIE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Flowers. Mr. FLOWERS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Mann. Mr. MANN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Sarbanes Mr. SARBANES. No The CLERK. Mr. Seiberling. Mr. SEIBERLING. Aye. The, CLERK. Mr. Danielson. . Mr. DANIELSON. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Drinan. Mr. DRINAN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Rangel. Mr. RANGEL. Aye. The CLERK. Ms. Jordan. Ms. JORDAN. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Thornton. Mr. THORNTON. -NO. The CLERK. Ms. Holtzman. Ms. HOLTZMAN. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Owens. Mr. OWENS, No. The CLERK. Mr. Mezvinsky. I Mr. MEZVINSKY. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Hutchinson. Mr. HUTCHINSON. No. The CLERK. Mr. McClory. Mr. McCLORY. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Smith. Mr. SMITH. No. The CLERK. Mr. Sandman. Mr. SANDMAN-. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Railsback. Mr. RAILSBACK. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Wiggins. Mr. WIGGINS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Dennis. Mr. DENNIS. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Fish. Mr. FISH. -No. The CLERK. Mr. Mayne. Mr. MAYNE. 'NO. The CLERK. Mr. Hogan. Mr. HOGAN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Butler. Mr. BUTLER. No. The CLERK. Mr. Cohen. Mr. COHEN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Lott. Mr. LOTT. No. The CLERK. Mr. Froehlich. Mr. FROEHLICH. No. The CLERK. Mr. Moorhead. Mr. MOORHEAD. No. The CLERK. Mr. Maraziti. Mr. MARAZITI. _No. The CLERK. Mr. Latta. Mr. LATTA. No. The CLERK. Mr. Rodino. The CHAIRMAN. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. The clerk will report. The CLERK. Twelve members have voted aye. 26 members have voted no. The CHAIRMAN. And the article is not agreed to. The Chair announces that this concludes the work of the committee under the proposal, resolution, which was adopted last week, and to the, terms of the resolution and as a result of our action, the Donohue resolution. together with those articles that have been agreed to will be reported to the House. Additionally, under the rules of the House, each member will be entitled to 3 calendar days in which to file supplemental, additional, or minority views, and then the form of the report of the, committee which will go the full House. The, Chair in this case, however, will allow until the close of business on Tuesday next, August 6, for members who wish to file such views. Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman? Mr. Chairman. will there be available to the members, prior to next Tuesday, a draft report prepared by the committee Staff? The CHAIRMAN. The committee Staff will be preparing the report and It, will be ready on Tuesday, next, and If the members are interested In inquiring of the committee staff as to the work, the committee staff, however, will not be required to have the. report ready until next Tuesday. Mr. McCLORY. Well, Mr. Chairman, the reason 1 asked is that it would assist the. members with respect to separate, additional, or minority views. and so on if we could have available preliminarily the draft report of the committee staff, and then we could determine to what extent, we want to file individual or separate or minority or whatever views. Mr. RAILSBACK. Would the Chairman yield? Will the gentleman yield? Mr. McCLORY. I will be happy to yield. Mr. RAILSBACK. Mr. Chairman, I am also interested in this so-called bill of particulars, or a memorandum of the facts. Is that going. to be circulated so that we can have an input or see what facts are going to be used in reference to supporting the individual subitems in articles I and II? The CHAIRMAN. The Chair advises that what we are now discussing is the question of the committee report, with views of the various members who -wish to filter the additional or minority or supplemental views. Those bills of particular that have been referred to during the course of the consideration of this resolution, those particulars will become part of the report in the manner in which we have already agreed to by the staff. Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman. I would just, like to Mr. CHAIRMAN. Or by the committee. Mr. McCLORY. I would like to clarify further Mr. RAILSBACK. I hope it is by the committee. Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman. I know that the document that we prepare and send the House will be one which will have permanent interest and have permanent value, and in MY own Case, insofar -is any additional views that I might prepare. I would want to have sufficient time to be certain that they are consistent, with the precedents and accurately project My views, and that is why it would help me, and I am sure it 'Would help other members, if possibly we could have by this weekend a draft report, from the committee staff so that we could thereafter prepare any additional views that we might want to file, The CHAIRMAN. The Chair will advise that I think at this time what the Chair has advised with regard to the Matter that we have just considered, I will conclude this committee Meeting at this time and -we will take up such other matters in an appropriate committee meeting where such business will be undertaken. However, I might say that. staff is always available to the members in order that, they may be assisted in the filing of whatever views they May seek to file. Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Chairman, I just want to ask this additional question. Then is it your intention, Mr. Chairman, to have a committee meeting before, the time for the filing of the report on next Tuesday? The CHAIRMAN. Yes the Chair so states. Mr. McCLORY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. So, the committee stands adjourned until further call of the Chair. [00.36.45--closing gavel, DUKE v.o. announces the end of the proceedings as members stand to leave, reporters run around in front of bench]