
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 30, 1974 (2/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 30, 1974 (2/2)
Clip: 486399_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10632
Original Film: 20700?
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[01.31.20] Mr. HUTCHINSON. I Yield 5 Minutes to the gentleman from Illinois, Mr. Railsback The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Railsback is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. RAILSBACK. Mr. Chairman and members of the, committee, let me, associate myself the remarks Of the gentleman from California who I think has accurately stated the facts. I Just want to elaborate a little. bit more on the facts as I know them to be. Let, me say that, I also don't question the sincerity of the, gentleman from Iowa in--I know of his concern about this particular area, but personally I can't help but think this is another case, where we have "impeachmentitis", which along with some of the other things that we -voted On earlier today, in an overkill. The, second affirmative act that, was claimed in the alleged presidential misconduct is the President's signature of his tax return which was done, on April 10. And I just want, to elaborate a bit on. what Mr. DeMarco testified to as well as Mr. Kalmbach. Mr. DeMarco, the President's tax counsel, explained in his interview with our inquiry staff the explanation to the President consisted of DeMarco pointed to the appraisal of the papers and stating, and I quote: "This is an appraisal supporting the deduction for the papers which you gave away." And according to DeMarco, the President's response was : "That Is fine." DeMarco said there was no discussion about the deed giving the gift of papers to the United St States. Moreover, DeMarco has stated that, there was no in-depth analysis of the tax return -while he was with the President. I remember seeing an interview of DeMarco after some of this came to light, where DeMarco indicated that he still felt that everything was proper. Then in addition to that. what has the President done when some of it, came to light? He agreed to turn it over to the Joint Committee of Congress given authority to make, a determination concerning his 1970, 1971, and 1972 returns. The committee made, its determination, which resulted in a finding of tax responsibility in the amount of something over $432,000, Plus interest, and it, is my understanding that the President agreed to it, although there is some discussion about, the 1969 liability. If he does pay that, which goes back before the statute of limitation, he will be able to take that as a deduction. My feeling is the President. who has been impeached by, this committee for two serious, grave acts and who has been assessed an income tax liability of $432,000 plus interest, I really think, I think- the committee had gone far enough, and I suggest that there is a serious question as to whether something involving his personal tax liability has anything to do with his conduct of the office of the President. And I suggest that -we rest with the three articles that have been adopted against him, and maybe let him have a little relief. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman has 30 seconds out of his 5 minutes left. Mr. HUTCHINSON. I yield to Mr. Mezvinsky. The CHAIRMAN. . The gentleman from Iowa is recognized. Mr. MEZVINSKY. I yield 10 minutes to the distinguished gentleman from Texas, Mr. Brooks. Mr. BROOKS. Thank you, Mr. Mezvinsky. The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Brooks. Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Chairman. No man in America can be, above the law. It is our duty to establish ,now that evidence of specific statutory crimes and constitutional violations by the President of the United States will subject all President now and in the future to impeachment. [01.35.52--TAPE OUT]