
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 30, 1974

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 30, 1974
Clip: 486394_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10631
Original Film: 20700?
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.47.58] The CHAIRMAN. The time, has expired. All time has expired, and the question now occurs on the article as offered by the gentleman from Michigan. All those in favor of the articles, please signify by saying aye. [Chorus of "ayes."] The CHAIRMAN. All those opposed? [Chorus of "noes."] The CHAIRMAN. The noes appear to have it. Mr. LATTA. Rollcall. Mr. Chairman. Mr. CONYERS. Rollcall. The CHAIRMAN. A call of the roll is demanded and call of the roll is ordered, and the clerk will call the roll. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye when their names are called. and all those opposed no. And the clerk will call the roll. The CLERK. Mr. Donohue. Mr. DONOHUE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Brooks. Mr. BROOKS. Ave. The CLERK. Mr. Kastenmeier. Mr. KASTENMEIER. Ave. The CLERK. Mr. Edwards. Mr. EDWARDS. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Hungate. Mr. HUNGATE. Aye. The, CLERK. Mr. Conyers. Mr. CONYERS, Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Eilberg. Mr. EILBERG. No. The CLERK. Mr. Waldie. Mr. WALDIE. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Flowers. Mr. FLOWERS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Mann. Mr. MANN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Sarbanes. Mr. SARBANES. No. The CLERK. Mr. Seiberling. Mr. SEIBERLING. No. The CLERK. Mr. Danielson. Mr. DANIELSON. No. The CLERK. Mr. Drinan. Mr. DRINAN. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Rangel. Mr. RANGEL. Aye. The CLERK. Ms. Jordan. Ms. JORDAN. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Thornton. Mr. THORNTON. No. The CLERK. Ms. Holtzman. Ms. HOLTZMAN. Ave. The CLERK. Mr. Owens. Mr. OWENS. Ave. The CLERK. Mr. Mezvinsky. Mr. MEZVINSKY. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Hutchinson. Mr. HUTCHINSON. No. The CLERK. Mr. McClory. Mr. McCLORY. No. The CLERK. Mr. Smith. Mr. SMITH. 'NO. The CLERK. Mr. Sandman. Mr. SANDMAN NO. The CLERK. Mr. Railsback. Mr. RAILSBACK. 'NO, The CLERK. Mr. Wiggins. Mr. WIGGINS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Dennis. Mr. DENNIS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Fish. Mr. FISH. No. The CLERK. Mr. Mayne. Mr. MAYNE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Hogan. Mr. HOGAN. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Butler. Mr. BUTLER. No. The CLERK. Mr. Cohen. Mr. COHEN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Lott. Mr. LOTT. No. The CLERK. Mr. Froehlich. Mr. FROEHLICH. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Moorhead. Mr. MOORHEAD. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Maraziti. Mr. MARAZITI. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Latta. Mr. LATTA. No. The CLERK. Mr. Rodino. The CHAIRMAN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. The clerk -will report. The CLERK. Twelve members have voted aye, 26 members have voted no. The CHAIRMAN. And the article is not agreed to. The committee -will be recessed until 8 o'clock this evening. [00.51.46] [cut DUKE in studio, offers recap of the day's session--this is the end of the broadcast, the daytime session broadcast on tape delay after the evening session] DUKE says that the third proposed article, for defiance of Committee subpoenas was passed, while a fourth, for misleading Congress and the public about the BOMBING of CAMBODIA was defeated. At the night session, a fifth and final article citing TAX FRAUD was defeated. Jim LEHRER says this is it for the Judiciary committee, scene shifts to the full HOUSE for a vote there. If the HOUSE debate is to be televised, NPACT will be there. Signs off. [title screen "Impeachment Hearings"--NPACT screen--PBS network ID] [00.53.34--TAPE OUT]