
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 30, 1974 (1/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 30, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486371_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10629
Original Film: 20700?
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.30.24--Paul DUKE in studio] DUKE says that the next order of business will be to debate the ARTICLE proper [00.30.35--PBS network ID--promos for PBS programming [00.33.46--title screen "Impeachment Debate"--DUKE in studio] DUKE announces that the debate will focus on NIXON's refusal to honor the committee's subpoenas. [cut Chairman RODINO] The CHAIRMAN. And the amendment is agreed to. There being no further amendments before the desk, the Chair wishes to announce that there is 1 hour and 20 minutes remaining for purposes of debate on the article itself, and the Chair would like an expression of those who -wish to speak on the article so that the time may be evenly divided between the opponents and the proponents of the article. Would those who wish to speak in favor of the article please raise their hands. [Show of hands.] The CHAIRMAN. Mr. McClory, Mr. Hogan, Mr. Fish, Mr. Mann, Mr. Danielson, Mr. Drinan, Ms. Jordan, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Conyers, Mr. Eilberg, Mr. Hungate, Mr. Kastenmeier, Mr. Edwards. All those who wish to speak in opposition? [Show, of hands.] The CHAIRMAN. Mr., Cohen, Mr. Butler, Mr. Froehlich, Mr. FROEHLICH. No. The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Froehlich does not Seek recognition . Mr. Latta, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Smith , Mr. Sandman, Mr. Railsback, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Moorhead, and I did announce Mr. Moorhead and Mr. Maraziti, Mr. FLOWERS. I think we have got a problem posed here. We have 30 minutes of debate on the amendment in which everybody got 5 minutes, and it seems to me like the article is more important and we are going to be restricted to -what -will not be time to discuss the points that I 'Wish to raise. I -wonder if we could reorder these priorities a little bit here this morning. [00.36.09]