
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (1/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486338_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10627
Original Film: 206005
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.17.38] Mr. COHEN. Mr. Chairman The CHAIRMAN. [Continuing]. Of the gentleman from Illinois. All those--- Mr. BUTLER. Mr. Chairman, parliamentary inquiry. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman will state it, Mr. BUTLER. We are of the view that there, were further refinements which might be, made in the perfecting amendment of Mr. McClory by specifically spelling out some of the areas of inquiry, Would I be foreclosed after this vote from introducing such a perfecting amendment of the perfecting amendment of Mr. McClory? The CHAIRMAN. No. The gentleman would not be -foreclosed. Mr. BUTLER I thank the Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. The question occurs on the amendment, offered BY THE gentleman from Illinois, Mr. McClory, as a perfecting amendment All those in favor please say aye. [Chorus of "ayes."] The CHAIRMAN. All those opposed? [Chorus of "noes."] The CHAIRMAN. The ayes appear to have it. The ayes have, it. Mr. Butler. Mr. BUTLER. Mr. Butler is in the. throes of drafting a perfecting amendment with Mr.---- The CHAIRMAN. If there is no amendment before the desk- Mr. BUTLER. Mr. . Chairman? Mr. RAILSBACK. Mr. Chairman ? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman's amendment, Mr. Wiggins' amendment is---- Mr. RAILSBACK. Mr. Chairman--excuse me,. Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Just a--- Mr. RAILSBACK. Could I make a parliamentary inquiry? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman will state, it. Mr. RAILSBACK. If Mr. Butler is in the throes of drafting, and I hope he is drafting it quickly---- Mr. HOGAN. He is. Mr. RAILSBACK. [continuing]. Then, will he have, an opportunity at that point before we vote on the gentleman from California's main amendment to offer his amendment ? Mr. WIGGINS. You wouldn't be stalling? Mr. RAILSBACK. No, I am just wondering. The CHAIRMAN. The Chair wishes to state that the parliamentary Situation is that the gentleman's amendment from Illinois having been adopted as a perfecting amendment the only amendment that now IS before the committee is the amendment which was offered by the gentleman from California. Mr. RAILSBACK. Well, then, Mr. Chairman, I -wonder if we could 'have like a 5-minute recess. Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman, I have, a perfecting amendment at the desk. Mr. HOGAN. Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman. Mr. SEIBERLING. If the clerk- can--- Mr. HOGAN. Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Hogan Mr. HOGAN. My parliamentary inquiry Mr. Chairman, is this. If Mr. Butler's amendment is to be in order and be. considered, isn't it, true that the rules require that this amendment be in writing at the desk? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is correct. Mr. HOGAN. So then I would assume that Mr. Butler would have to write it and have it duplicated and presented at the desk- before it will be considered by the committee. 'Mr. SEIBERLING. MR. Chairman, I have a perfecting amendment at the desk. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. The clerk will read the amendment. The CLERK[reading] Amendment by Mr. Seiberling Add at the end of subparagraph 4 "by employees of the executive branch or the Committee to Re-elect the President". Mr. WIGGINS. Read that again, please? Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman, if I may be recognized to speak on my amendment Mr. DENNIS. Mr. Chairman, I would like a copy. Mr. McCLORY. May we have the amendment read again, please? The CHAIRMAN. The committee will be in order until the clerk reads the amendment. The CLERK [reading] Amendment by Mr. Seiberling. Add at the end of subparagraph (4), "by employees of the executive branch or the Committee to Re-elect the President." Mr. WIGGINS. Did the Chair hear my reservation of the Point of order? Mr. SEIBERLING. Is the gentleman reserving his point, of order? -Mr. WIGGINS. Yes, I am reserving Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr. Chairman. may I be beard on my amendment? The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is recognized Mr. SEIBERLING. It seems to me that the objections to the amendment raised by Mr. Wiggins are not entirely cured by the perfecting amendment of 'Mr. McClory because crimes and unlawful activities go all over the United States every day and at least we ought to tie it down to those that we. are really concerned about, and my perfecting amendment makes it Clear that we, are talking about other unlawful activities by employees of the executive branch or the Committee to Re-elect the President, which it, seems to me cover enough of the activities that are before us here to get in all of the evidence that we have been considering. And that is why I offer the amendment. [00.22.51]