
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (1/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486326_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10626
Original Film: 206004
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.09.10] The CHAIRMAN. A total of 20 members--21 members seek recognition. Mr. SEIBERLING. Well, -Mr. Chairman, it seems to me that this is a matter of sufficient importance so that the members should have, an adequate amount of time. I don't want to prolong this, but I I don't think we should Cut off debate on a matter of this seriousness, and therefore I must register my objection to the request. The CHAIRMAN. Objection is heard, The gentleman form California, Mr. Edwards---- Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Chairman? The, CHAIRMAN. [continuing] Is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Chairman. I would like to Speak just for a few minutes about all of article II which I suggest is an expression of our deep devotion to the Constitution, and above all, to the first 10 amendments, known as the, Bill of Rights. Article II is our rededication to and our reaffirmation of the Bill of Rights and the principle that no officer of our Government from the most lowly to the highest can violate with impunity those fundamental constitutional rights guaranteed every' American Citizen. In 1787 when the 13 Colonies Were, considering ratification of the new Constitution, three, of the new States voted to ratify only On condition that a recommendation for a Bill of Rights be added. These men remembered well that they or their parents had fled from the kingdoms of Europe to seek individual freedom in the New World. They had Just, finished winning a war to insure this independence and freedom, and they were not about to substitute a new Federal Government for the old tyranny without safeguards designed to protect their rights as individual human beings from the arbitrary encroachments of the new Government. So it was that the First Congress of 1789 enacted the, Bill of Rights as the first, 10 amendments its to the Constitution. Jefferson in a letter, to Madison urged the adoption and Said, "Let me add that a Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against any government, on earth." Why do I review this history this late at night in the consideration of article II? It is of course, because article II charges President Nixon with intentional violations of the Constitution, chiefly amendments one, four, five, and six. The first amendment guarantees freedom of speech and of the press. In direct contravention, of this amendment President Nixon authorized or permitted illegal wiretapping and other surveillance of individuals, including reporters, and the use of this information so gained for political reprisals and The fourth amendment guarantees the rights of people to be secure in their homes. their houses, in their papers, against unreasonable searches and seizures In direct contravention of this amendment, President 'Nixon established a special investigative unit within the White House to engage in searches and seizures without legal warrant, and the special White House unit committed a burglary the State of California. The fifth amendment guarantees to all equal protection of the laws. In direct contravention of this amendment, President Nixon endeavored to use the Internal Revenue Service for tax investigations and tax harassment of political opponents . The fifth and sixth amendments guarantee a fair trial in all criminal prosecutions. In direct contravention of these amendments. President Nixon and his subordinates leaked information unfavorable to a criminal defendant, withheld information necessary for his defense, and during the trial even offered the judge a high Government position. No proposition could be more profoundly subversive of the Constitution than the notion that any public official, the President or a policeman, possesses a kind of inherent power to set the, Constitution aside whenever he thinks the public interest, or to use the popular term now given such easy currency, the "national security" warrants it. That, notion is the essential postulate of tyranny. It is indeed the very definition of dictatorship, for dictatorship is simply a system under which one man is empowered to do whatever he, deems needful for the Whole community. We, look now beyond the walls of this committee room to every citizen, rich or poor, white or black. brown or yellow, from the Most powerful to the humblest, and say to all who will listen, this article II is the only meaningful way to protect your constitutional rights, your right to speak -what is in your mind without fear of reprisal or other harassment and your right to hear and read -what others would say to you; your right to be secure in your home and your office, against Government wiretappings and burglaries; and your right to equal treatment under law without fear or favor from the Government; your right, if legal difficulties should enmesh you, to a fair trial; your right to be left alone to pursue life, liberty and happiness free from unlawful incursions at all levels of government from the President down. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. [00.14.55]