
Watergate Impeachment Hearings House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974. George Danielson (D - California).

Watergate Impeachment Hearings House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974. George Danielson (D - California).
Clip: 486321_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10625
Original Film: 206003
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:18:09 - 00:19:14

Watergate Impeachment Hearings House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974. George Danielson (D - California). George Danielson (D California). Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am proud Peter Rodino (D - New Jersey). The gentleman has not yet been recognized. The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes. George Danielson (D California). Well thank you again Mr. Chairman, I am very proud and honored to associate myself with the remarks of my dear friend, and very great lawyer, the gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. Donohue. Mr. Chairman, our debate today has distilled the issues of this article to where we all know and can clearly see that they constitute a clear threat And an attack against our Constitution which is the essence and the soul of our Republic. We cannot and must not fail in a responsibility which is ours. And so again, with heavy heart and great sadness we must vote for this article of impeachment. I yield back the balance of my time.