
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (1/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486315_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10624
Original Film: 206002
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.43.01] Mr. BROOKS. Now later Dean joined the President and Haldeman and continued their meetings. We have not received a tape recording of this portion of the conversation but Dean testified that at that meeting there was a discussion of the unwillingness of the IRS to follow up on the White House directive. In his testimony the following exchange took place between Mr. Doar and Mr. Dean: [quoting] Mr. DOAR. Did you discuss your assignment with respect to the IRS with the President during your meeting on September 15? Mr. DEAN. I am not sure how directly or specifically it came up. But there was Indeed a rather extended discussion with the President on the use not IRS. He made some rather specific comments to me which in turn resulted in me going back to Mr. Walters again. Mr. DOAR. When you say the use of IRS, what are you talking about? Mr. DEAN. Well, as I recall the conversation, we were talking about the problems of having IRS conduct audits and I told him that we hadn't been very successful at this because Mr. Walters had told me that be just didn't want to do it. I did not, I did not push him. As far as I was concerned, I was off the' hook. I had done what I had been asked. I related this to the President and he said- The CHAIRMAN. The time--- Mr. BROOKS. May I complete this paragraph, and he said something to the effect, "well, if Shultz thinks he has been Put Over there to be some sort of candy ass, he is mistaken and if you have got any problems you just come tell me and I will get it straightened out." The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gentleman has expired, [00.44.43--cut LEHRER in studio, says that Rep. DENNIS will speak next--PBS network ID--promos for PBS Programming--these are kind of crazy, very dated, i.e. a "civics lesson" cartoon show] [00.48.02--title screen "Impeachment Debate July 29, 1974--pullback to LEHRER in studio, introduction of the debate to pass Rep. WIGGINS' amendment] [00.48.18--cut audience shot of committee room--committee bench] [00.48.18]