
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 27, 1974 (1/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 27, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486243_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10621
Original Film: 205003
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.36.29] Mr. WIGGINS. Now, some sinister purpose is imputed because he paused briefly before he said that. But that is what he said. Now, I want to refresh the recollection of the members as to whether or not the President's concern about CIA was justified under all of the circumstances, We remember that McCord was in fact arrested and a former CIA agent, We remember that Barker was in fact arrested and a former CIA agent, perhaps an active CIA agent, Martinez was arrested and he was a former CIA agent. Hunt's name was in the Washington Post: Hunt was a spy for the United States, a former CIA agent, and a former member of the Plumbers' unit. There are other facts which were called to the President's attention on June 23 all of which indicate possible CIA involvement a theory which was Supported by the FBI itself the FBI itself believed there might be CIA involvement, Given those facts, ladies and gentlemen, we are asked to conclude that the President corruptly, corruptly, instructed his aides to request, that there be coordination between the CIA and the FBI so as not to reveal unrelated CIA covert activities: Now, ladies and gentlemen, that is all the evidence there is in between the 23d Of June and the 6th of July. There is no question that John Dean acted improperly. I am willing to stipulate to that. But that does not execute the President's instructions which were given on the 23d of June. On that issue. ladies and gentleman, the question really is not all that close. I would think that the weight if not the preponderance, of the evidence in favor of the President is that he acted in the public, interest as distinguished from corruptly. Surely however, there is not a clear and convincing showing that the President acted corruptly- given the facts and the knowledge that he had at the time he issued the instruction. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gentleman has expired. All time hs expired. The question now occurs on the motion of the gentleman from Alabama. All those in favor of the motion please say aye. [Chorus of "ayes".] The CHAIRMAN. All those opposed, no, [Chorus of "noes."] The CHAIRMAN. The noes have it. Mr. SANDMAN. Mr. Chairman, I demand a rollcall. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from New Jersey demands a rollcall, and the clerk will call the roll. All those in favor, signify by saying aye; all those opposed, no. The CLERK. Mr. Donohue. Mr. DONOHUE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Brooks. Mr. BROOKS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Kastenmeier. Mr. KASTENMEIER. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Edwards, Mr. EDWARDS. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Hungate. Mr. HUNGATE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Conyers. Mr. CONYERS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Eilberg Mr. EILBERG. No. The CLERK. Mr. Waldie. Mr. WALDIE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Flowers. Mr. FLOWERS. Present. The CLERK. Mr. Mann. Mr. MANN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Sarbanes. Mr. SARBANES. No. The CLERK. Mr. Seiberling Mr. SEIBERLING. No. The, CLERK. Mr. Danielson. Mr. DANIELSON. No. The CLERK. Mr. Drinan. Mr. DRINAN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Rangel. Mr. RANGEL. NO. The, CLERK. Ms. Jordan. Ms. JORDAN. NO, The CLERK. Mr. Thornton, Mr. THORNTON. ]NO. The CLERK. Ms. Holtzman. Ms. HOLTZMAN. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Owens. Mr. OWENS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Mezvinsky Mr. MEZVINSKY. No. The CLERK. Mr. Hutchinson. Mr. HUTCHINSON. Ave. The CLERK. Mr. McClory. Mr. McCLORY. No. The CLERK. Mr. Smith. Mr. SMITH. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Sandman. Mr. SANDMAN. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Railsback. Mr. RAILSBACK. No The. CLERK. Mr. Wiggins. Mr. WIGGINS. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Dennis. Mr. DENNIS. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Fish. Mr. FISH. No. The CLERK. Mr. Mayne. Mr. MAYNE. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Hogan. Mr. HOGAN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Butler. Mr. BUTLER . No. The CLERK. Mr. Cohen. Mr. COHEN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Lott. Mr. LOTT. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Froehlich. Mr. FROEHLICH. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Moorhead. Mr. MOORHEAD. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Maraziti. Mr. MARAZITI. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Latta. Mr. LATTA. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. RODINO. Mr. RODINO/ NO. The CHAIRMAN. The clerk will report. The CLERK. Mr. Chairman 11 members. have voted aye. 26 members have, voted no, I member voted present. The CHAIRMAN. And the motion is not agreed to. [00.41.34]