
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 27, 1974 (1/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 27, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486240_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10621
Original Film: 205003
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.08.44] Mr. HUTCHINSON. . Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Hutchinson. Mr. HUTCHINSON. I will yield additional time to Mr. Wiggins. Mr. Wiggins. Thank you, Mr. Hutchinson. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. WIGGINS, I only wish to make one point because it has been discussed elsewhere, and that, is Mr. Haldeman had the opportunity to review tapes prior to his testimony. At that time Mr. Haldeman and the President but very few others were aware Of this taping system. Mr. Haldeman reviewed these tapes. The implication is, being placed in the minds of the committee that this was again part and parcel Of a Corrupt design so that Haldeman could tailor his testimony falsely before a grand jury. Now, that is a suspicion alone, but let me tell you that there Is another side that I think is equally defensible and that is that Mr. Haldeman reviewed that tape so as to testify truthfully to the events, thereon rather than falsely. I think that is an eminently reasonable conclusion, inconsistent with, this suspicious circumstance, and the President is entitled to the more favorable construction of that event. I merely wanted to make that observation with respect to listening to the tapes and I thank the gentleman from Michigan for permitting me to amplify it. Mr. HUTCHINSON. I thank the gentleman. Does the gentleman from Indiana desire to be recognized on this question? Mr. DENNIS. Mr.--- Mr. HUTCHINSON,, I would be happy to yield to the gentleman from Indiana. Mr. DENNIS. I will say to the gentleman from Michigan that I think my friend from California has very adequately covered this matter and I do not really think I have anything particular to add. I yield time to him if he has anything else he wants to say. Mr. WIGGINS. Mr. Hutchinson----- Mr. HUTCHINSON. I yield back the balance of my time. The CHAIRMAN. The question on the motion of the gentleman from Alabama. All those in favor of the motion please signify by saying aye. [Chorus of -'ayes."] All those opposed, no, and the [Chorus of "hoes."] The CHAIRMAN. All those in favor of the motion, please signify by saying aye. [Chorus of "ayes."] The CHAIRMAN. All those opposed. [Chorus of "noes."] The CHAIRMAN. The noes appear to have it. Mr. SANDMAN. I demand a. tally of the vote. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from New Jersey demands a rollcall vote. The clerk will -call the role. All those in favor of the motion please signify by saying aye. All those opposed, no. The CLERK. Mr. Donohue. Mr. DONOHUE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Brooks. Mr. BROOKS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Kastenmeier Mr. KASTENMEIER. No. The CLERK. Mr. Edwards. Mr. EDWARDS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Hungate. Mr. HUNGATE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Conyers. Mr. CONYERS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Eilberg. Mr. EILBERG. No. The CLERK. Mr. Waldie. Mr. WALDIE. No. The CLERK. Mr. Flowers. Mr. FLOWERS. Present The CLERK. Mr. Mann. Mr. MANN. No. The, CLERK. Mr. Sarbanes. Mr. SARBANES. No. The CLERK. Mr. Seiberling. Mr. SEIBERLING. No. The CLERK. Mr. Danielson. Mr. DANIELSON. No. The CLERK. Mr. Drinan. Mr. DRINAN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Rangel. Mr. RANGEL. NO. The CLERK. Ms. Jordan. Ms. JORDAN. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Thornton. Mr. THORNTON. No. The CLERK. Ms. Holtzman. Ms. HOLTZMAN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Owens. Mr. OWENS. No. The CLERK. Mr. Mezvinsky. . Mr. MEZVINSKY. No. The CLERK. Mr. Hutchinson; Mr. HUTCHINSON. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. McClory. Mr. McCLORY. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Smith. Mr. SMITH. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Sandman. Mr. SANDMAN. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Railsback. Mr. RAILSBACK. No. The CLERK. Mr. Wiggins. Mr. WIGGINS. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Dennis. Mr. DENNIS. Mr. Chairman, I am quite puzzled. When the author of the, amendment votes "present" I hardly know what to do but I. vote aye. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman made up his mind rather quickly. Mr. DENNIS. I do that. The CLERK. Mr. Dennis votes, aye. Mr. Fish. Mr. FISH. No. The CLERK. Mr. Mayne. Mr. MAYNE. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Hogan Mr. HOGAN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Butler. Mr. BUTLER. No. The CLERK. Mr. Cohen. Mr. COHEN. No. The CLERK. Mr. Lott. Mr. LOTT. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Froehlich. Mr. FROEHLICH. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Moorhead. Mr. MOORHEAD. Aye The CLERK. Mr. Maraziti. Mr. MARAZITI. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Latta. Mr. LATTA. Aye. The CLERK. Mr. Rodino. The CHAIRMAN. NO. The CLERK. Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. The, clerk will report. The CLERK. Twelve members have voted aye, 25 members have voted no, and 1 member has voted present. The CHAIRMAN. And the motion is not agreed to. [00.14.27]