
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 27, 1974 (1/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 27, 1974 (1/2)
Clip: 486232_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10620
Original Film: 205002
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.08.32] [DUKE in studio for brief break, explains gist of debate] [PBS Network ID--PBS programming promos] [00.12.00--title screen "Impeachment Debate"] [DUKE reintroduces the hearings] I recognize the gentleman from Alabama Mr. Flowers. Mr. FLOWERS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have, an amendment at clerk's desk. The CHAIRMAN. The clerk will read the amendment. The CLERK. Do I understand, Mr. Flowers, that this is the amendment No. 2 in the general list of amendments? Mr. FLOWERS. That is correct. The CLERK [reading] Strike paragraph 2 of the Sarbanes, substitute Mr. FLOWERS. Mr. Chairman, I offer, this amendment having no fear that I will be unable to explain what it means to any of my colleagues on the pane1, and hoping that they fully understand what it means and I am certain they do. And I offer if not in any dilatory manner, but as a device, to elicit from members of the panel or staff specifics Of what charges what information, what, evidence do we have that support, paragraph 2. Are we capable of proving satisfactorily and a clear and Convincing manner the allegations of subparagraph 2 on page 2 of article I of the Sarbanes substitute. I think that, the proof aspect of it is vitally important, and remembering the comments made last evening as to the notice that the President is entitled to, this will likewise serve a vital function along those lines. So, I make this motion to strike and I ask staff, Mr. Doar, 0r any member of the committee, I am prepared to yield to them if they can provide me with the evidence to support this allegation in subparagraph 2. I see Mr. Cohen... I yield for a question. [00.14.20]