
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 27, 1974

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 27, 1974
Clip: 486228_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10619
Original Film: 205001
Location: Rayburn House Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.21.59] The CHAIRMAN. The Chair would like to point out that while the rule has yet to be established since that will be a matter before the Rules Committee, the Chair is certainly going to recommend that there will be full and free debate, as this is a matter of such moment and be Considered as it should be considered deliberately and fully by the full House, and therefore, I think that the members recitation of what could be expected is indeed in order. Now I recognize for a parliamentary inquiry the gentleman from California, Mr. Danielson. Mr. DANIELSON. Mr. Chairman, at the appropriate time I will wish to Offer a perfecting amendment to paragraph 4 of article 1. I wish to reserve the right of offering that amendment, and I do inquire as to when would be the appropriate time? The CHAIRMAN-. Perfecting amendments are in order at any time. The, bill is now being read by way of vehicle of the substitute and it is amendable at any stage. Mr. DANIELSON. Should the amendment be. offered at the time we take up subparagraph 4: for consideration? The CHAIRMAN. No; the,, amendment may be offered at, any time. But I am now going to, for the purposes of recognizing Mr. Hogan, , who has already proposed perfecting amendments, I will recognize him for 5 minutes. The clerk, however, has not read his amendment. Mr. HOGAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have two amendments at the desk, 'Mr. Chairman, and I would ask unanimous consent that I be permitted to address myself to both of them at the same time, and that we vote, on them at the same time. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection it is so ordered. The, clerk will read the amendments The CLERK [reading] Amendment by 'Mr. Hogan: [text of amendment] On page I or article 1, on the second paragraph, and on page 2, paragraph 5 strike "illegal entry," where it occurs and insert in lieu thereof "unlawful" entry." Amendment by 'Mr. Hogan: On page 1 of paragraph 3, quoting subparagraph " (number 1)" after the word "making," insert the following new language: Causing to be made." The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from Maryland. Mr. HOGAN. Mr. Chairman, we should be aware that my amendments are to the Sarbanes substitute which is before us. Mr. DENNIS. 'Mr. Chairman, we have no copy of the second. amendment Mr. HOGAN. Mr. Chairman, I believe they are being distributed . Am I recognized, Mr. r. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN_ The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. HOGAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. When I returned last night my wife, who had been watching deliberations on television, reminded me that many of the prior Impeachments -were not, handled by the Judiciary Committee, and she wondered if the deliberations would take as long if Speaker Albert had entertained sending it to a select committee made up of no lawyers, if it would take us as long to complete it. She also then said that she understands full. well why lawyers are barred from serving on grand Juries. Having said that, I have before the committee two what I guess could be fairly--be characterized as legalistic amendments. However, I do think they are important. Addressing myself to the first one, Mr. Chairman, where we use word "illegal entry," rather than unlawful, I noted that in the Code title 22m, section 1801, a burglary is entry with intent to break and carry away any part thereof. And while the Watergate. burglary is very frequently referred to as burglary, it, is not strictly speaking, according to the D.C. Code, a burglary. It is a breaking and entering. So, what my amendment does it tries to track the language Of the statute in title 22, section 3102, relating to unlawful entry on property. It also I understand, tracks the language in some of" the indictments on conspiracy . Now, I do think that while it may seem to be a miniscule change, I think it strengthening the situation by having it more accurate. Second, Mr. Chairman. in paragraph I after the word "making," include "or causing to be made," as I think the record substantially supports the addition of this language. While the President did personally, in fact. make false and misleading statements, he also induced others to make false and misleading statements. So, I would urge that both of these amendments, which. I consider perfecting amendments, be adopted 'I yield back the balance of my time.