
Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 26, 1974 (2/2)

Impeachment Hearings: House Judiciary Committee, July 26, 1974 (2/2)
Clip: 486168_1_1
Year Shot: 1974 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10618
Original Film: 204006
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

*See information in RIGHTS field before using* [01.09.36--DUKE, LEHRER in studio] DUKE says its been a long day for committee, to be back tomorrow. Says there will be more "TEST VOTES", and that it's clear that the REPUBLICAN defenders of NIXON will try to use any tactics available to derail the proceedings, but it seems like a losing cause. LEHRER wonders whether the tactic of using strike motions to force debate on every section of the article will be continued. Indications from Reps. SANDMAN, WIGGINS, that such would happen, or possibly they will consider the point made and not belabor the losing cause. DUKE introduces LEWIS on screen LEWIS says that Chairman RODINO has committed to fairness, and thus has not cracked down on the delaying tactics, at risk of having up to 27 hours of debate on the striking motions alone. Says that the lines are hoding fast in spite of the debate, ironically with REPUBLICAN Rep. FROEHLICH going from the "strike" side to the side supporting the ARTICLE as drafted. Says that the REPUBLICANS may relent and give up the tactics, which are at a standoff currently. [LEHRER in studio] LEHRER characterizes the situation as a delicate balance for the REPUBLICANS and for Chairman RODINO with regard to how long the debate should be allowed to stretch, with neither side wanting to be seen as extreme. LEWIS says there may be a CAUCUS in the morning to resolve the procedural questions. But it depends if the REPUBLICANS are scoring political points in their speeches. If they continue to convince other HOUSE members and the public that the proceedings are unfair to NIXON, they may continue to gear up for the FLOOR VOTE. DUKE says it's significant that there is a bipartisan coalition for impeachment LEWIS agrees, and saying that this is a "test vote" on impeachment, and that the final tally is likely to be similar to the 27-11 one on this motion. p[01.15.05]