
August 4, 1994 - Part 2

August 4, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460713_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10098
Original Film: 104551
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:10:46) Senator DODD. Ms. Williams, let me jump very quickly to two final questions. In that February 2nd meeting, we have heard testimony that Mr. Altman made the point specifically at that meeting that Ms. Kulka was going to handle the RTC civil matters, make all the decisions on it, and that the February 28th deadline was not going to pose a problem because a complaint could be filed. What is your recollection regarding that testimony? Do you agree with that, or disagree with that? Ms. WILLIAMS. On the whole, I believe I agree with that. I do not remember the names. Ms. Kulka's name does not strike a bell with me, but I would not challenge that if names were discussed. Senator DODD. Did he make it clear that someone else was going to be responsible for this other than himself? Ms. WILLIAMS. Yes, he did. Senator DODD. All right. Mr. Chairman, can I ask one last question here? The CHAIRMAN. All right. Senator DODD. This is the question I have asked all of the witnesses, because it goes to the central question I think, and I apologize. I read it because I want every word to be correct in it, and I ask this of both of you. Did either of you take or instruct anyone to take any action to obstruct or impede the Resolution Trust Corporation's handling of either the criminal or civil case against Madison Guaranty? Mr. McLarty. Mr. MCLARTY. No, sir, I did not. Senator DODD. Ms. Williams. Ms. WILLIAMS. No, sir, I did not. Senator DODD. Are either of you aware of anyone in either the RTC or the Treasury Department or the White House taking any action to obstruct or impede the Resolution Trust Corporation's handling of either the criminal or civil case against Madison Guaranty? Mr. McLarty. Mr. McLARTY. No, sir, I am not, as I commented in my opening statement. Senator DODD. Ms. Williams. Ms. WILLIAMS. No, sir, I am not aware. Senator DODD. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I apologize. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Dodd. Senator Mack. 289 OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR MACK Senator MACK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And allow me just a moment of lightness here, if I could. It has all been pretty tense over the last 3 or 4 days. One of the observations I have picked up about what is going on down at the White House, and I think you might want to take back down there, is the theme I see kind of running throughout here, that no one has time to sit down, all conversations are brief conversations, and nobody remembers anything. And so maybe the suggestion would be to maybe slow things down a little bit, have longer conversations, sit down and discuss things through, and maybe someone will remember something. Anyway, it is just a side comment. [Laughter.] Mr. McLARTY. Senator, as always, we will take your comments under advisement. Senator MACK. Ms. Williams, are you aware of a memo written by Bruce Lindsey on October 20th, which he copied to you, concerning press inquiries about the criminal referrals on Madison? MS. WILLIAMS. No. Senator MACK. Do you have any idea why you would have been copied on such a memo? MS. WILLIAMS. No. I am not clear why I would have been, I have since seen that memo, and it is about a press inquiry, and the Director of Communications was copied on that memo, so I could have been copied because it was a press inquiry. However, Mr. Lindsey, I believe, has testified that in fact the memo may never have gotten to me at all because the cc's on it were for an earlier memo. I do not know exactly the ins and outs of that, but I am sure Mr. Lindsey can speak to it. Senator MACK. Would it be normal for you, though, basically to be copied on concerns, (a) about press, and (b) about what was going on with Whitewater? Ms. WILLIAMS. I would generally be copied about press inquiries, Yes. Senator MACK. You stated that the Whitewater response team was formed in October or November. Since two of the members of the team were copied on this memo, was it the subject of any of those meetings? Ms. WILLIAMS. Well, first of all, to the best of my recollection, there was no Whitewater response team in October or November, as such. The Whitewater response team, as I recall, and Mr. McLarty may be helpful since he organized it, was in January, was when we first had any meetings, organized meetings in any kind of routine way. I recall January specifically because Mr. Ickes did not come to the White House until January, and he was the person who was asked to focus, in an organized fashion, on Whitewater press inquiries.