
August 4, 1994 - Part 5

August 4, 1994 - Part 5
Clip: 460704_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10090
Original Film: 104554
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:45:29) Roger Altman testified that he kept a diary or as he referred to it his scrapbook of historical significance. One of the items in that diary or scrapbook is his impression of a meeting with you in January of this year. He wrote that he received the impression from you that the White House was actively trying to negotiate with the Attorney General and other officials at the Department of Justice over the jurisdiction or scope of what a Special Counsel could look into regarding Madison Guaranty- and Whitewater-related matters. This was before the Special Counsel had been appointed. The point being that after months of opposition, stonewalling, backing and filling, the Clintons were finally about to succumb to insurmountable political and growing editorial pressure and ask for the appointment of a Special Counsel. But not until they could first try to limit and control his jurisdiction. Now, down in Eastern North Carolina that's known as not wanting to get bitten by your own dog. But Ms. Williams, as I'm sure you're aware, it has been widely reported that Mrs. Clinton was adamantly opposed to the appointment of a Special Counsel and I believe she has admitted to as much. Now I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding the appointment of the Special Counsel in order to clear up any lingering misconceptions and set the record -straight. Ms. Williams, did Mrs. Clinton have any communication with Robert Fiske prior to his appointment as the Special Counsel? Ms. WILLIAMS. To my knowledge, absolutely not. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Could it have occurred without your knowledge? MS. WILLIAMS. It could have, but I doubt it very seriously. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Bernard Nussbaum, the former White I-louse Counsel, and Robert Fiske are friends and professional associates. Mr. Nussbaum and Robert Fiske represented the same side in at least two different legal cases. Mr. Nussbaum even recommended his friend Robert Fiske for a job with lran-Contra Special Counsel, 346 Lawrence Walsh. Now Mr. Fiske is investigating Bernard Nussbaum for activities we cannot discuss here today, Ms. Williams, are you aware of any communication between Hillary Clinton and Bernard Nussbaum determining the appointment of Robert Fiske as Special Counsel? Ms. WILLIAMS. No, sir, I am not. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Are you aware of any communication between any White House official, including the Office of the First Lady, and Robert Fiske prior to his appointment as Special Counsel? Ms, WILLIAMS. I am certain that there was not. I mean, Mr. Fiske is, as I understand it, a Republican contributor to Republican campaigns. Senator FAIRCLOTH. I just wanted to know, are you aware of any' communications? I don't need a history of Mr. Fiske. Ms. WILLIAMS. No, sir. I'm not aware of any. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Are you aware of any communication between Mrs. Clinton or her representatives and officials at the Justice Department concerning the appointment of Special Counsel? Ms. WILLIAMS, No, sir. I am not aware of any, Senator FAIRCLOTH. This question is for Mr. McLarty. We've heard testimony about a meeting on September 29, 1993, in which the White House received a "heads-up" about the RTC criminal referrals. I'm trying to determine whether this in fact was the first "heads-up." When you had Mr. Cutler do his report on White House-Treasury contacts regarding the RTC criminal referrals, did he investigate possible "heads-up" earlier than September 29th? Mr. McLARTY. Senator, his report was a thorough one. You'll have to ask him about the scope before that, but it's a very thorough report and I think he examined all contacts, but he can speak to that in a more precise way than I can. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Did anyone in the White House have any communication with anyone who was aware of the existence or content of the RTC criminal referrals before the September 29th "heads-up "? Mr. MCLARTY. Not to my knowledge, Senator,