
August 4, 1994 - Part 4

August 4, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460693_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10089
Original Film: 104553
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:55:44) Senator BOND. I was concerned because, going back to our files, we've come across a March 7 article in The Washington Post that I believe refers to an interview done by you on Sunday's CNN Late Edition, with Mr. Gibson. In any event, The Washington Post quotes you as saying-well, actually, the transcript said, "Again, I don't think there was anything improper at all. It was an informational meeting. The same information was provided to the White House, had already become public record and had already been provided to Members, both Democratic and Republican Members of the Senate Banking Committee." Do you recall that statement? Mr. MCLARTY. I recall the interview. I believe it was with Mr. Sesno, if I'm not mistaken, Senator Bond. I don't recall the article that you're referring to, and I believe it refers to the February 2nd meeting and not any follow-up letters to this Committee. Senator BOND. But I'm concerned that at that time you knew the information was incomplete and when asked about it, you followed the same line that Mr. Altman had followed in the February 24 hearing. That's the reason that I asked the question about when you had knowledge that, in his February 24 testimony before this Committee, he had not mentioned that he had discussed recusal on February 2. Mr. McLARTY. Senator Bond, if I may respond. Senator BOND. Sure. Please. Mr. McLARTY. And I appreciate your point. I think I just testified that I was not certain of the date that I learned this, and I believe the way that question came was about the February 2nd meeting. As the matter was brought to me, it was about his testimony being complete. I don't recall the level of detail, as I just testified a few moments ago, as I testified to you. Senator BOND. Mr. McLarty, when did you first learn about the criminal referrals perhaps mentioning the Clintons? Mr. McLARTY. That was asked earlier, Senator. Sometime in November, I believe. Senator BOND. So you were not advised during, at the time that Mr. Nussbaum received the faxes from Mr. Altman, March 23 and 24, you were not advised at that time? Mr. McLARTY. No, I was not. Senator BOND. Do you recall who told you about the criminal referrals? Mr. McLARTY. I believe I read about them in the paper during that period of time. Senator BOND. That was about October 31? Mr. McLARTY. Sometime thereabouts or shortly thereafter. Senator BOND. As Chief of Staff in the White House, you were not advised by Counsel who had had meetings with Ms. Hanson, September 29th and the October meetings, that this was going on? That wasn't brought to your attention? 332 Mr. McLARTY. No, it was not, Sir. Senator BOND. Is it distressing to you as Chief of Staff that the information was not brought to you? Mr. McLARTY. No, it's not, sir. Senator BOND. Can you give this Committee any assurance that nothing was done to get rid of any records that might have beer related to or have reflected upon the matter in the criminal refer ral, any of the matters dealing with Whitewater? Can you give this Committee that assurance? Mr. McLARTY. I can only give you the best of my knowledge. All of the records have been given first, I believe, to the Justice Department and then to the Special Counsel, as I understand it . That's the best of my knowledge. All of the information has been provided that has been requested. Senator BOND. Anyone else? I thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Kerry, do you want to be recognized?