
August 4, 1994 - Part 4

August 4, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460688_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10089
Original Film: 104553
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:10:30) Mr. McLARTY. No, Senator, I have not. Senator SASSER. Mr. Chairman, I am at a posture here where think I can yield back to Senator D'Amato some of his time, which he so generously yielded to me. Thank you, Mr. McLarty, and thank you, Ms. Williams. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Sasser. Senator D'AMATO. Well, Mr. Chairman, if I might suggest, know a vote has just started. The witnesses have been on the table for about 21/2 hours. Might this be a time, so that we can go down and break, and she might take 15 minutes or so, so that we could vote, and then we will start? I do not know what tile Committee thinks. The CHAIRMAN. I think that is a good idea. The vote has started, and so the Committee will recess for about 15 minutes so that we can go and vote, and the witnesses can take a break as well, and then we will resume at approximately 12:30 The Committee stands in recess. (12:11:22) [Recess.] (12:11:24) Hearing hosts DON BODE and NINA TOTENBERG segue to coverage of House Banking Committee Hearing at which Secretary of the Treasury LLOYD BENTSEN is testifying (12:29:04) Commentary of Hearing hosts DON BODE and NINA TOTENBERG