
August 4, 1994 - Part 4

August 4, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460687_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10089
Original Film: 104553
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:05:50) Senator D'AMATO. Fine. The CHAIRMAN. He is prepared to do so. Senator Sasser. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR SASSER Senator SASSER. I thank the Senator. Ms. Williams, I think perhaps Senator Dodd may have asked you this question impinging on this a little earlier, but in the meeting on February 2nd that took place, I think, in Mr. McLarty's office, if I'm not mistaken, did Mr. Altman there at that time inform the participants at the February 2nd meeting with regard to Madison Savings that "it is unlikely that the investigation could be completed and a recommendation made by the General Counsel . . . " that is, General Counsel of the RTC, prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations." In other words, did he in essence say that we cannot complete the investigation at the RTC prior to the statute expiring? Ms. WILLIAMS. I do not remember him saying that, sir. Senator SASSER. So you have no independent recollection of whether he said that or not? Ms. WILLIAMS. No, sir. Senator SASSER. So if Mr. Ickes said he did say it, you would not be in a position to refute him, would you? Ms. WILLIAMS. No, sir. 323 Senator SASSER. And conversely, if Mr. Altman said be did not say it, you would not be in a position to contradict him either? Ms. WILLIAMS. No, sir. Senator SASSER. You just do not recall it? Ms. WILLIAMS. I do not recall it. Senator SASSER. Are you a lawyer by training, Ms. Williams? Ms. WILLIAMS. No, I am not a lawyer. Senator SASSER. Well, I can understand why the question of the statute of limitations might not have had that much relevance to you then. Now, Mr. McLarty, Senator Sarbanes was asking you earlier about the meeting in your office. Would you care to expand on why your office invited Ms. Williams to the February 2nd meeting at all? Mr. McLARTY. Senator Sasser, when Mr. Altman requested this meeting, Mr. Ickes and Mr. Nussbaum were the proper people to coordinate such a meeting, which they did, and I think Mr, Ickes suggested certain people attend from my office, and I think he was correct in that. And Ms. Williams has already testified, one, as to her broad and very capable role in the White House, and secondly, the fact that this matter had to do with the First Family and all of the criticisms, particularly of the First Lady about this matter, so I think it was quite understandable and quite proper that she attend such a meeting. Senator SASSER. Now with regard to the February 2nd meeting that took place in your office, and according to Mr. Altman, you arranged for the meeting, but you, yourself, did not attend. Is that an accurate representation, that you arranged for the meeting? Mr. MCLARTY, Senator, I just commented that when Mr. Altman called and asked for this meeting, I delegated the matter to Mr. Ickes. I am not sure that Mr. Altman did talk to me. He did talk to my office, I think, and that is how the matter was handled. Senator SASSER. Did you ever plan to attend the meeting that took place on February 2nd? Mr. McLARTY. I was aware the meeting was going to take place. Mr. Ickes had informed me of that, and I may well have attended, but I had another meeting that was with a congressional delegation on a very important legislative issue, and as often is the case in the White House, you have to make choices about which meetings you attend, and I attended the congressional meeting. Senator SASSER. So you might have attended had there not been another conflicting meeting? Mr. McLARTY. I might have. I was aware of the meeting. Senator SASSER. Let me ask you this, Mr. McLarty. Did the President or the First Lady ask you to set up this meeting on February 2nd? Mr. McLARTY, No, they did not, Senator. Senator SASSER. Did you ever have any communications about Setting up this meeting with either the President or the First Lady? Mr. MCLARTY. No, Senator, I did not, 324 Senator SASSER. Did Senator Bentsen ask you to set up this Feb ruary 2nd meeting, or any similar meeting on the question of Madi- son? Mr. MCLARTY. No, Senator, he did not. Senator SASSER. And have you had communications on this whole