
August 3, 1994 - Part 7

August 3, 1994 - Part 7
Clip: 460454_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10082
Original Film: 104248
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(18:10:12) Senator ROTH. Mr. Chairman, my concern is that purportedly, the purpose of this memorandum was to determine when contacts with agencies by White House staff were to be banned. I did have a series of questions that I wanted to ask as to whether the contacts made by a number of White House personnel were within this .ban, but if I understand what you are saying, you are not that well acquainted with the memorandum to answer such questions; is ,that correct? Ms. NOLAN. Senator, I want to make clear, it's not the memorandum. It's applying the memorandum to the particular situation. If I were asked that question at the White House, I would do some -Tesearch. I would look at the question. And so Senator ROTH. But you do not know, if I understand your stateinent, as to whether or not this memorandum applies to RTC? Ms. NOLAN. It does not apply-it does not list the Resolution Trust Corporation as one of those agencies. That's correct. Senator ROTH. As I pointed out. But it does say that the list identiflied is only illustrative and so my question was whether or not the RTC, because of its adjudicative function, would be covered? 130 Senator DODD. Will my colleague yield on that one question? I think that may be stipulated. I'm not sure, but maybe if someone on the panel or someone on the staff here I don't believe that the RTC has, to use your words, an "adjudicative function." I may be wrong on that. Senator ROTH. Mr. Chairman, I am asking the witnesses that. That is what I am trying to determine. Senator SARBANES. That was a line of questioning of the Senator from Delaware. I think we'd better reserve it, Senator Roth, until your next round. We've already gone well over the time. There's a vote on, and we could recognize Senator Boxer and she could complete Senator ROTH. Could I just make one comment? Senator DODD. Could I make a parliamentary inquiry Mr. Chairman? Senator SARBANES. Certainly. Senator DODD, Is it a matter of fact that a function has an adjudicative function? That's not a debate. Senator ROTH. I would like to point out Senator SARBANES. I thought the question was put to Ms. Nolan and she gave a response to it on the basis of this memo; is that correct? Ms. NOLAN. My response, Senator, was that I could not answer that question without looking at the Resolution Trust Corporation's charter and understanding its functions, and I have not done that. Senator ROTH. I should point out, Mr. Chairman, that this regulation covers agencies with investigative functions as well, but my time is up. The CHAIRMAN. We have a vote underway. I think what we'll do at this point, the bells are going to ring and Senator SARBANES. They have. The CHAIRMAN. I know. The second bells are going to ring, indicating that our time is very short on the roll call so I think what we'll do is take a brief recess for about 10, 12 minutes, It will give you folks a chance Senator DAMATO. There are two votes-there's a possibility, Mr. Chairman, of two votes, and so that might require us, and they would have--I don't think we'll be back for at least 20, 25 minutes just to let the witnesses know. The CHAIRMAN. Well, if there prove to be two votes, we'll alert the staff and they can tell you and then you can plan accordingly. As soon as we're free from voting on the Floor, we'll be back and we'll resume. The Committee stands in recess until the voting period ends. (18:14:04) [Recess.]