
August 3, 1994 - Part 2

August 3, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460398_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10077
Original Film: 104244
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:45:12) Senator KERRY. I have a couple of questions that are tied into that line of questioning. I hope you understand. Secretary BENTSEN. I know what you are reaching for. Senator KERRY. I am just trying to understand how the lawyer for the Department would take. Clearly a reference in a criminal referral in any capacity is an unusual occurrence. Is that not fair to say? Secretary BENTSEN. Yes, I would certainly think so. Senator KERRY. Would you not want to be informed if your Department is being notified to this effect? In fact, the evidence says that according to Mr. Roelle, that she was instructed to call, among other people, you or your office to inform you. Secretary BENTSEN. I had worked very hard to build a wall around myself insofar as any case specific matter in the Resolution Trust, I did that because I did not want, in any way, to have violated the law. And that worked. Senator KERRY. I am not suggesting that you had any role in this. I know you did not. There is nothing that suggests you did. I understand that. All I am trying to say is, Mr. Secretary, the notion that if I am lawyer to somebody and information comes to me of the import of this kind of information, the notion that I would take it upon myself to just jump over to the White House, talk to the Counsel of the President of the United States and say to him, hey, by the way, is very hard for me to accept. Secretary BENTSEN. Let me tell you, Senator, you are more awe inspired than I am by those folks over there. Senator KERRY. I beg your pardon? I could not hear Secretary BENTSEN. You are more awe inspired than I am by those folks over there. Those folks are over there daily. Senator KERRY. That may well be. We do not get down there as often as you do. Secretary BENTSEN. Those folks were over there daily. Senator KERRY. This is what I want to understand. I am not arguing with you about it. You are saying to me that Ms. Hanson might have gone over there absolutely on her own on a daily basis with this kind of information? Secretary BENTSEN. Well she was over there often. No, not daily on that kind of information, but they were over there very often, and developed a working relationship there. Senator KERRY. But she was over there at the time on Waco, correct? Secretary BENTSEN. That is what I found out this morning. 36 Senator KERRY. Clearly, we know she was over there. Would she impart that kind of information without having first told you or Mr. Altman? Secretary BENTSEN. She certainly would without telling-would have done it, and could have done it without telling me, certainly, because once again, I was very much opposed to anything that got me in case specific matters in the Resolution Trust because the Congress has made it clear that I was not supposed to be in the oversight. Senator KERRY. Absolutely, I agree with that. And then the question would be whether or not, in your judgment, it would have been appropriate for her to go to the White House without having first checked with Mr. Altman? Secretary BENTSEN. I do not think she is precluded from that. Senator KERRY. Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Bennett, OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR BENNETT Senator BENNETT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And welcome, Mr. Secretary. Secretary BENTSEN. Thank you, Senator. Senator BENNETT. I will just make a quick comment. I may be the only Member of this Committee who has served in an Administration, and yes, we were at the White House on a regular basis and yes, at my level, and it was functioning at an Assistant Secretary level. I would clearly not have talked to the Counsel of the President without the Under Secretary, as he was then designated, telling me it was OK. I would have talked to my normal contacts, but the Counsel of the President to an Assistant Secretary, which is the level at which she operates, is kind of a forbidding figure and she testified, very specifically, I do not know Bernie Nussbaum, and I would not presume to call Bernie Nussbaum unless somebody told me. So that has been her testimony, and I happen to resonate with that. Now Mr. Secretary, in your testimony, you asked us for recommendations that we might think appropriate, and I have one for you. I would suggest that you send the name of Jack Ryan to this Committee for confirmation immediately. We have had testimony here that he will now preside over the RTC until its dissolution.