
August 3, 1994 - Part 1

August 3, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460389_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10076
Original Film: 104243
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:50:46) Senator SASSER. Well I will be pleased to repeat it, Senator Boxer, The question that I propounded to Secretary Bentsen was, Ms. Hanson gave him a handwritten note to prepare for his testimony before the House Appropriations Committee, and Ms. Hanson apparently suggested to Secretary Bentsen that he should say, and I quote: "I now believe that Ms. Hanson and Mr. Altman consulted with me in advance of the White House meeting of February 2nd, 1994, that was the subject of Mr. Altman's February 24 testimony." And I asked the Secretary did Ms. Hanson's suggestion accurately reflect the Secretary's true belief. Secretary BENTSEN. That certainly does not reflect my memory of the situation. It does not. As I have said, they met with me on or about February 1 when Mr, Altman told me he was thinking of 23 recusing himself and they discussed the statute of limitations. However, to the extent that the answer you read suggests that they consulted with me about going to the White House, it is incorrect. Senator SASSER. Now let me ask you Secretary BENTSEN. And at one point, I recall telling her that we had a difference of opinion concerning that issue. Senator SASSER. Now let me ask you, have you had any communications with the President or First Lady about this whole Madison or Whitewater matter? Secretary BENTSEN. No, I have not. I know I was on a plane with the President flying some place and that was after all this was in the papers. And I recall how strange it seemed not to be able to discuss it, and neither of us brought any of this up to discuss with the other. Senator SASSER. Right. So it was on your mind, but you knew Secretary BENTSEN. It sure was. Senator SASSER [continuing]. You knew it would be improper to discuss it with the President? Secretary BENTSEN. That is correct. all? Senator SASSER, And the President did not bring it up to you at Secretary BENTSEN. That is correct. Senator SASSER. Nor has the First Lady? Secretary BENTSEN, That is correct. Senator SASSER, All right. Now Mr. Secretary, according to an entry in Mr. Altman's diary, dated January 4, 1994, he says that you, and I quote: "went over to see George * * " That is George Stephanopoulos "* * * on Whitewater yesterday to argue for lancing the boll." He says "to argue for lancing the boil." Did such a meeting take place? Secretary BENTSEN. Yes, such a meeting took place. Senator SASSER. Tell us what happened in that meeting? Secretary BENTSEN. Well I called George Stephanopoulos and that was at the time when charges were being made that there was stonewalling taking place by the White House, that there was not disclosure. And I went over to talk to him and tell him that whatever the facts were, get it out there. Make a total disclosure. That I had been through one of these deals where I formed a breakfast club one time where I was going to get contributors together for my campaign and have breakfast with them from time to time. Frankly, I tried to take some of the ideas out of the Democratic leadership, the club, and out of I think the Republican's Eagles Club. But I no sooner did it than I decided I had made a mistake. And so I immediately disbanded it, and held a press conference and said that I did not think I made many mistakes, but I did on this one and I thought it was a real doozy. And that was the end of it. Senator SASSER. How did George Stephanopoulos respond to that? secretary BENTSEN. As I recall, he shared that as something that should be done. 24 Senator SASSER. Mr. Chairman, I know my time's not expired, but The CHAIRMAN. Why don't we reserve the remainder of Senator Sasser's time. We have got to recess. We have got a vote underway. Let's reserve your time, Senator Sasser, and you can take it either right when we come back, or at some other convenient point. Senator SASSER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. The Committee stands in recess for about 10 minutes. (10:54:52) [Recess.] (10:54:54) Commentary of hearing hosts NINA TOTENBERG and DON BODE, they also talk to SARAH FRITZ of the Los Angeles Times (11:03:12)(tape #10076 ends)