
August 2, 1994 - Part 11

August 2, 1994 - Part 11
Clip: 460368_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10075
Original Film: 104562
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(01:10:27) Senator D'AMATO. Let me ask you this. Is it still your testimony now after we've gone through this that the purpose of the February 2 meeting did not include addressing the issue of recusal? Mr. ALTMAN. When I called Mr. McLarty and told him what the purpose of the meeting was, I said it's to discuss the procedure alternatives facing the RTC. That was the day before the meeting. Senator DAMATO. OK Let me give you one other. The CHAIRMAN. Would you just yield at that point for a moment? Senator DAMATO. Yes, sir. The CHAIRMAN. We've covered that a lot of times but wouldn't it be fair to say after the fact, in that meeting recusal was discussed? Mr. ALTMAN. Absolutely, Senator. I'm just saying that I discussed that extemporaneously. The CHAIRMAN. It wasn't your plan to do so. Mr. ALTMAN. No, it wasn't. The CHAIRMAN. But it came up in the meeting and it was a subject of the meeting as the meeting actually happened. Senator GRAMM. It was in his notes. Senator DAMATO. Let him finish, Mr. ALTMAN. As I say, it wasn't the purpose of the meeting, I did bring it up, it did get discussed as you know and along the lines we I 've talked about and so that happened. Senator DAMATO. That's the problem I have. You told people you were going over there to discuss the issue of recusal, Josh Steiner had that impression. Let me tell you what Ben Nye says and Josh Steiner is almost beside himself in his notes when you read them and he said he let them talk you out of it. You were going over there to say that. You told- you discussed the matter with Kulka, ,You discussed the matter with Jean Hanson, you discussed the matter with the Secretary, and then Ben Nye says-he's your as- Question: To your recollection did anyone indicate that the issue of recusal would also be addressed when Mr. Altman contacted the White House. Answer: I believe that it was planned to be discussed. Yet now, Mr. Altman, you've responded to the Committee Chairman with an answer that is contradicted by just about-if you look it and really look at all the people's recollections, that it was certainly intended to go over there to discuss that subject. Are you really saying you didn't intend to discuss the issue of recusal? Honestly to this Committee at this--at 1:15 a.m., after ev- erything has come out, you contend now that when you went over you didn't have on your mind and a purpose and a major se to discuss the issue of recusal and I say major. Senator KERRY. Is this the 2nd or the 3rd? Senator D'AMATO. This is the 2nd, February 2. This is when Bernie up. 546 Mr. ALTMAN. All I'm trying to say, Senator, and I think the record is clear on this, when I called Mr. McLarty and said, is why I'd like to come meet, I didn't bring up recusal. When made that phone call which I think was the day before that wasn't %plan. Senator DAMATO. I didn't ask you what you said to Mr. Me What you told other people and when you set out to go over to meeting, did you intend to bring up the issue of recusal? Mr. ALTMAN. It's my best recollection that I brought it up ex poraneousl,y. I think in my deposition it says that I blurted it That's my best recollection. Senator DAMATO. You blurted it out? Mr. ALTMAN. Yes, I think that's what I said in deposition. Senator DAMATO. These people are all waiting to hear what are saying about that. You really think that they didn't know the statute of limitations was going to end on February 28? And I know the red light is on. If you want me to stop, we'll just come back to it later. Mr. ALTMAN. I do want to say I don't believe, to address myself specifically to Senator Riegle I don't believe that an of the partici- pants in that meeting when I walked in the room thought or knew that recusal was going to be discussed. Senator DAMATO. Let me just put this-here is your talking points prepared for that meeting. Senator GRAMM. For him. Senator DAMATO. Prepared for you, you have asked for these' talking points and it says I've decided that I-look how definite it is. "I have decided that I will recuse myself from the decisionmaking process as interim CEO of the RTC because of my relationship with the President and Mrs. Clinton." I mean you are going to say that. You told this to Ms. Hanson. You told is to Nye. You told this to Steiner. You were going to go over there and do it. Senator KERRY. But as the Senator knows, there were separate talking points that came out of that meeting. Senator GRAMM. This is what he took in. Senator DODD. Can I just on the point The CHAIRMAN. Senator Sarbanes has asked to be recognized and your time is up. Senator D'AMATO. You all are more than generous but if I could conclude in 15 seconds. This is the aspect that troubles me. Even at this time and I conclude by that given these facts, given this 'information, I say I can only come to the conclusion that you absolutely intended to go to that meeting to discuss the issue of recusal and then when asked to correct the record, refused to do it and it was only almost a month later before you finally brought that into play. And I thank my colleagues for being as patient as they have. Mr. ALTMAN. I would like a moment if I could to respond to that The CHAIRMAN. Yes, go ahead.