
August 2, 1994 - Part 9

August 2, 1994 - Part 9
Clip: 460346_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10073
Original Film: 104547
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(22:25:27) The following day she called Sloan to tell him that there had been a New York Times fax. The question then was how would Hanson know of the fax if you hadn't spoken to her about it, since it was a fax that came from you at an earlier time. Now, Roelle says that at the October 6 meeting with you about the Madison criminal referrals and I'm now quoting from his deposition: Question: Who else was present for this? Answer: Nobody. There was just me and Mr. Altman and he called Ms. Hanson on the phone. Question: To the best of your memory, who said what to whom during this conversation? Answer. I just told him about this and he said OK and he called Ms. Hanson and told her about it and that was pretty much it," And there's some more questions and answers- Question: Do you recall "who he," Mr. Altman, "told her," Ms. Hanson, "to call"? 501 Answer: Yeah, he said, "call Jack, Bernie, and the Secretary. He named about 10 names." Now, Ickes tells us the purpose of this meeting, and the focus of Altman's discussion, was the relationship at the time that he felt this investigation might be wrapped up. And be said, at least in so many words, that it was his understanding the investigation probably would not be concluded and that a determination could not be made by the RTC's General Counsel as to whether there was a basis for a civil claim until after the expiration of the statute of limitations. That's Ickes. Williams, Maggie Williams, tells us that you called her about coming over for a meeting. Now, you say that it wasn't Maggie Wil- liams, it was Ickes. You said that Ickes was wrong in this comment that he made. You've fairly well repudiated a good part of Steiner's diary. Is there some conspiracy at work here, on the part of a lot of peo- ple, to contradict your versions? I mean, we've got Roelle, Hanson, Ickes, Williams, and Steiner. Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, there's no conspiracy. Why don't we go through these one by one. You asked me about March and Bill Roelle. I don't recall him telling me about the criminal referral but he may have. I just don't recollect it. He may have told me. You asked me about this memorandum. I may well have received this. I probably did, but this memorandum does not confirm an discussions at the White House regarding the criminal referral. This memorandum, which I must say, I think, is awfully clear, is attached to a compendium of press stories-excuse me, a compen- dium of stories the press may be working on and the operative one is relating to the Rose Law Firm that The Washington Post and the Associated Press are working on. I just don't be eve that con- firms Ms. Hanson's September meeting. You asked me about Senator SARBANES. When did Ms. Hanson's September meeting with Nussbaum and Sloan take place? Mr. ALTMAN. I don't know which day it was in September. The 29th? I'm not sure. Senator SARBANES. It was September 29. What is the date of this memo saving I have spoken with the Secretary and also with Ber- nie Nussbaum and Cliff Sloan. Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, the date is the 30th. Senator SARBANES. The' 30th, the next day. Mr. ALTMAN. Do you know what this is? This is a comprehensive Senator SARBANES. I have it right here. Mr. ALTMAN. But it's a compendium of developing press stories or at least stories that the RTC thinks is developing. Senator SARBANES. That's right, which refers to the first paragraph of the memo. Mr. ALTMAN. I just don't think this confirms that- Senator SARBANES. The first paragraph of the memo is relevant !0 the Early Bird. The second and the third paragraph need not be, I'll my judgment, are not relevant to the Early Bird memo. The first aragraph of this memo says, "Steve Katsanos has talked with Sue Schmidt (see attached RTC Early Bird)." That's this. 502