
August 2, 1994 - Part 7

August 2, 1994 - Part 7
Clip: 460320_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10071
Original Film: 102879
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(20:00:12) Mr. ALTMAN. Senator DAmato, I interpreted your question as referring to requests from the White House and I think that was a fair interpretation because of the preceding questions which -involved discussions about the White House and the President's involvement. I said that I requested the February 2 meeting and you asked your question. I just interpreted it to mean a request from the White House and you immediately followed up and said Senator DAMATO. Excuse me. Let's read the transcript. Senator BOXER. Mr. Chairman, I am going to Senator DAMATO. "Senator D'Amato would you look at the transcript. It says, "was there any other meeting that may have been requested?' That's after you said you requested the February 2 meeting. I then said was there any other meeting. You said no. The CHAIRMAN. Let's do this, if I may. Senator KERRY. Let's have an answer, please. Senator DAMATO. Is that true? Senator DODD. Let's have an answer, cool the temperatures down a little bit. Senator BOXER. Lees take a break. Senator GRAMM. Let's try to get through it. The CHAIRMAN. Why don't you give a response and if there's a need for a follow-up, let's let him look at this over the recess as well, but respond Mr. Altman, to what's just been put to you. Mr. ALTMAN. I think---- Senator DODD. Are you looking now at the transcript? Mr. ALTMAN. I'm looking at the transcript. I thought that Senator D'Amato's question related to requests by the White House. Let me tell you what his follow-up was Senator DODD. Please let him answer. Mr. ALTMAN. Senator Senator GRAMM. He changes the question. Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, I know you may not agree, but that is what I thought. And you clarified your own question by saying, "you mean there was no other meeting that you were aware of that the White House requested?" That was your own clarification of your own question. I think there's a reasonable basis for me to have thought what your question was. Senator D'AMATO. And I would just appeal-and I would just simply say the record states quite clearly, I asked you who set up the meeting on the 2nd. You said Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Mr. Chairman, this is not Senator DAMATO. We're at a critical, crucial issue. It may be embarrassing to Mr. Altman but be has a happy facility Senator DODD, I don't think any of our colleagues are afraid of asking embarrassing questions. Senator D'AMATO. If I could The CHAIRMAN. Let's do this Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Mr. Chairman 467 Senator DAMATO. Fin,;. Let me say this. My colleagues have been very patient. We will return to this question. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Good. Senator DAMATO. I thank them for their patience, but I'd like the question answered eventually. Senator BOXER. Absolutely. The CHAIRMAN. The Committee now will take a 10-minute recess and when we resume, Senator Bryan will be recognized. The Committee stands in recess. (20:02:45) [Recess.] (20:02:47) Commentary hearing hosts DON BODE and NINA TOTENBERG from tv studio, they also talk to J. WILLIAM CORDINHA (?) Majority Counsel (20:09:03)(tape #10071 ends)